Ramones cover

Radiant Star

Child Of Decadence
Jun 24, 2002
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Well, i didn't remember "Somebody put..." but now that i downloaded and it came again in my mind i think that COB made a very good choice about the next cover song. I mean that this song gonna fit excellent into COB style.Do you agree?
Well, at least the lyrics do. It's about drinking and I guess that is the most favourite hobby of every band member.
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
Not ALL covers are better, I think the original of "Shot in the Dark" is better than Children of Bodom's version.

I just think that all Punk sucks.

I love Bodom's cover of 'Shot In The Dark', But I also love the original!! I do believe it was the first Ozzy song I heard! Or one of the first at least.. I can't remember exactly, I do know that The Ultimate Sin was the first Ozzy album I owned though.

And I agree... I really dont like punk... it's just annoying... so how the ramones cover will turn out, I dont know...
I heard "You're Better Off Dead" on the radio last night, here in Finland. And, I really liked it. (what else can you expect from a hardcore fan..) It awsn't as catchy as some of CoB songs, but I gues it's one of those songs that you have to listen a couple of times to get into them.