
The RH100 is very good for it's price. Gives you kind of a Dimebag vibe, very fast and responsive distorsion. You don't have the raw tube compression that you get from Mesa, ENGL etc... It's sort of a special s.s character. I've never played an amp with that much distorsion that handles more complex harmonies like it does. The string separation is amazing with maximum gain, easily the best I've ever tried. They could easily charge double for it.

A minus on that amp though is that it's got quite a harsh upper 3K mid thing going on if you don't choose your guitar right. All you have to do is mic it right and then you're fine, but you could have trouble with doing live stuff in that regard. Vintage 30 speakers tend to sound best with it since they don't bite your head off.

I'm getting a Randall Titan to try out soon and also a Randall Cyclone. I listened to the V-Max head, but wasn't too impressed with it.
The fact that you can simply buy a new preamp module and insert it into the amp seems very interesting. Sounds a bit like what Mesa did with the Road King, where you can mix and match different circuitry to your needs.
okay thanks ,
maybe in the near future
indeed the rh 100/g2 sounds okay but the new warhead should sound
really good judging by the samples i heard ...

I played on a Cyclone and an RH200g2. Needless to say, I have a spankin new RH200g2 in the mail coming from Musician's Friend. I decided to get it because it had great clarity at high volumes compared to the Cyclone (which is also impressive). Instead of getting 2 4x12 cabs, I got 1 4x12 cab and a 2x12 1x15 cab. The low end almost made me shit myself and the mids and highs damn near blasted the skin off my face. That 15 really makes a difference, plus having the cabs being different gave it a pretty unique tone. Shortly after it arrives (sometime next week) I will try to post some samples.
tried the new Warhead out yesterday, sounded incredible to me, though I want to get a mic infront of it. Really different but cool, great tightness, and no nasty top end fizz.
well I tried some more stuff the otherday, and wasnt digging it as much. The X2, strangely enough wasn't as impressive second time round, but I was impressed with the deeper 4x12
I just checked some Randall solid state stuff to have another flavour to the tube amps in the studio (Engl, Peavey, Rectifier).
I expectes the X2 to be the best a was totally disappointed! It sounded clean (but in a bad way) had a boomy bass and no real tone. Very strange to me.

Then I tried the cheapest of them all the RH100 and did not exepct much.
This amp is really killer! As someone else mentioned, you don't get that evil tube brrrr, but this amp has character, definition and tightness. Yes it has a footpedal vibe, but if you need something tight, clean, precise and rather cold sounding, this amp rocks!

So I just bought the 200watts version, because they are not very loud.
I really would like to try out the new T2, or the new G3 series RH heads.

The X2 has too much low-end and sound muddy to me. THe Titan sounds great...I'd like to try the Cyclone...Soilwork used them on their latest.

Randalls are great.
Oops, there's already the G3 series. I'd recommend to get one of the G2 Randalls cheap now!

The new must be quite different, there seems to be a tube somewhere in the signal path.

BTW. I also tried running the RH200 G2 through the poweramp of my Engl Fireball and thought that it sounded worse than with the original Randall solid state poweramp.
TheSweetener said:
Oops, there's already the G3 series. I'd recommend to get one of the G2 Randalls cheap now!

The new must be quite different, there seems to be a tube somewhere in the signal path.

Yep, they use a 12AT7 tube in the poweramp section, it's supposed to give tube poweramp feel with the ability to crank it without it crapping out. I'd suspect the preamp is very similar, if not exactly the same as the older RH heads.

I'd be all over these heads if they can do that. My Krank gives me a fast tight distortion with arseloads of volume, but if I could get that in a cheaper package without the fuss of tubes, I'd strongly consider a switch.
The coguitarist in my former band played an RH100. It wasn't a bad tone on it's own, but I played a Marshall and I could not avoid just swallowing the sound of his amp completely even with my volume quite low. I just found that the tone of that thing would not let it cut through a full band for anything. Also, I saw Evergrey live one time playing Randalls and it was the most horrific guitar tone I've ever heard, and I love the tone on their albums.

Then again, I saw Pantera years ago and Dime's tone ripped my head off. Jeez, I don't know what the hell to think about Randall. :)
Like I said, I just bought the RH200 because the RH100 was sold out. After trying it in the studio, I was quite glad that I bought the bigger version, because I had to crank it up to 80% to get the volume that I normally record tubeamps with. But I don't think the tone won't cut through in a mix. It's the opposite, it's rather piercing through!
The Randall Rh100, sound very nice, as someone says here, it sound raw a powerfull, as needed for some kind of tones,
hey guys, do you used the rh100 distortion? i used with a sansamp Psa-1 on front , and it rocks, the psa-1 and front of a tube amp, sound awfull, like having a bee inside of a can , but with solid state amp sound rellay cool, however i wanna try it with a tube power amp , any suggestions?
on a related sidenote: how's the rh100g2/200g2 in comparison to the marshall valvestate 8100? i used the 8100 for 2 shows, didn't hold a candle against the mesa dual caliber i had back then imho. didn't have the earth shattering lowend everyone's talking about, either, but it DID have the nasty top end fizz usually associated with SS or bad tube amps ;)
I thing the randall has more metal sound that the 8100, i had recorded with the 8100 and sound pretty good, also, Chuck schuldiner recorded the sound of perseverance album with that marshall and the sound of that album is great to me