Random recommendation THEARD

i'm laughing a lot at ken's video

these musicians probably know what they're doing but why would they do this
Copy ----> Paste

Just realized my song is of godawful sound quality. Oh well, sucks for y'all.

Gonna listen to all these now.
markgugs posted this today on FB and while I was ready to shut it off as soon as I saw the oriental rug, I let it play. not bad ... but this band needs a makeover.

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Another day, another recommendation for The Drones. I have tried to get you blokes to listen to this band in the past, and I reckon if it's broken through to lurch there's definitely a few more of you that'd dig it. I got a few of you into Gareth's solo stuff, so now get on this.

Been hearing a new track from the Decemberists on the radio last week or so. It sounds good. I have their older album The Hazards of Love. I like it.
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ok lets see if i can manage to get this right

This woman has balls. Never heard her version of this Kurt Weill song until yesterday, but I like it better than the Judi Collins version I had heard on her "In My Life" album (which also rules.)

Yeah yeah this kinda music isn't what we listen to here but fuck, its good.

edit: haha! i was trying to put tags like {youtube} {/youtube} on 'em before. but with square brackets.
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Nina Simone is fucking amazing. Search out her performance of "If You Knew." It will bring you to your knees. Jeff Buckley did a good version as well.

Oh, and Strange Fruit.:

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Nina Simone is fucking amazing. Search out her performance of "If You Knew." It will bring you to your knees. Jeff Buckley did a good version as well.

Oh, and Strange Fruit.:

I was gonna post Gary Farr's version of this here if I could find it on Youtube. You recommended his Strange Fruit album to me iirc and it fucking rules. Other awesome songs on there: Old Man Boulder, In The Mud, Down Among the Dead Men, etc.

I bet Nina's version of this is chilling, but I gotta head to work, will listen later.
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W.A.I.L s/t - Being released on cd format in two months.



Conceptualized around the letters of the acronymic band moniker, W.A.I.L. (Wisdom through Agony into Illumination and Lunacy), the debut album of this Finnish band delves through a five piece journey of murky and crushing soundscapes. On this first part of self-titled full-lengths, W.A.I.L. explains its meaning from a wholly personal perspective. The exceptional name accompanies exceptional music and therefore W.A.I.L. gives a mouth to something that absorbs conventions of black, death, doom & heavy metal - but the entity speaks with only one unique voice and that voice does speak indeed, because the wine of Satan has got them drunk.

Having more than a strong faith in their own material and, above all, not wanting any outsider to intervene with the release at the time, the debut was originally self-released on vinyl in fall 2009. Now that the LP version is down to its last copies, AAP releases a cd version with an improved mastering & layout to spread the material further.


Conceptualized around the letters of the acronymic band moniker, W.A.I.L. (Wisdom through Agony into Illumination and Lunacy), the debut album of this Finnish band delves through a five piece journey of murky and crushing soundscapes. On this first part of self-titled full-lengths, W.A.I.L. explains its meaning from a wholly personal perspective. The exceptional name accompanies exceptional music and therefore W.A.I.L. gives a mouth to something that absorbs conventions of black, death, doom & heavy metal - but the entity speaks with only one unique voice and that voice does speak indeed, because the wine of Satan has got them drunk.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

One of my personal favorite heavy bands of all time. This was the most amazing set I have ever witnessed live. My jaw imprint should still be on the floor at the corner of the bar. You can hear me yell at certain points.

...and just for good measure:

(song gets cut off but w/e)
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