Random Thoughts...

haggard said:
Relax bud...I'm just saying it's kind of pointless and shows that you crave attention. :)

No offense!

None taken

Of course I crave attention. Now that I got that out of the way, I rolled the responses into a new thread because I am an infrequent poster, and most of you guys appear to be pretty active here. So I thought if I posted my replies in a new thread, everyone would understand the source.

Like the pre-pubescent Children of Bodom lilly who got offended earlier in this thread and decided to rattle off random curse words as a response. "Fuck" "Pussy" "Cockboy" "Chota" "Taint."

Good times......Tuesday, I buy Mars Volta and Blackfield. Within six months, a new Opeth should be out. I was almost ready to break down and replace my Cinderella "Long Cold Winter" cassette with a CD!
look...im all for "off topic" threads within reason. i started one recently (nevermore), and support one thats gone on for many months now (70s progressive)...but i think this korn, religious and other such threads need to either be more contained...as in 1 thread for the whole discussion...because i see this stuff quickly getting out of control, redundant and perhaps further jeopardizing our off topic priveleges in the future.

in other words...Korn and Religious really have no tie to Opeth WHATSOEVER. I highly doubt the members of Opeth have much to say on these 2 topics in this manner as well...so lets try to use that as a basis or gauge of what sort of Off Topic threads are appropriate: "would Opeth aprove of their forum being used for this topic?". In this case..."Korn"...i dont think so. Sound good? Moonlapse...thoughts?
agreed. i think im gonna stop posting here. threads like "Korn" and any religious crap is just irritating. suddenly, theyre the only threads anyone is reading and the flame wars start and thoughts are led away from legit threads like the 70s prog thread. then again, as long as it's within the rules, i guess i cant complain - i can just stop wasting my time.
the bottom line is that one has to sift through the nonsense if one wants to talk about opeth or related bands. enough already.
This further proves how those fine lines can so easily be crossed. When one or two o/t threads popped up, the newbies thought it was free reign, thus the Korn thread. What the regulars had in mind when then o/t allowance was requested was not this.