
AN Italian couple who were caught having sex in a church confessional box while morning Mass was being said have repented and made peace with the local bishop.

The couple, in their early 30s, were detained by police earlier this month after they had made love in the confessional box in the cathedral in northern Cesena.

They were cautioned for obscene acts in public and disturbing a religious function.

Their lawyer said they had been drinking all night and realised they had gone too far.

The lawyer told a local newspaper the couple met with the local bishop last night, asked for his forgiveness and that he had given it.

Last week the bishop celebrated a "Mass of reparation" in the cathedral where the confessional box incident took place to make up for the sacrilege.
That's all it's called... "Coverdale - Page"... and it's nothing exciting to my ears. Then again it took me a while to enjoy anything Led Zeppelin did so your mileage will likely vary.
That's all it's called... "Coverdale - Page"... and it's nothing exciting to my ears. Then again it took me a while to enjoy anything Led Zeppelin did so your mileage will likely vary.

thought that what is was called but when I typed it into Google, it didn't come up.

oh, well.

I'm a pretty big Zep fan, so I should enjoy it, having seen the vid for the main single of the album a couple of months ago.
what's the name of the David Coverdale/Jimmy Page album?

got a listen to the David Coverdale solo album Into The Light and now after more non-Whitesnake stuff of his.
Coverdales Into the Light is definitely superior to ours. Whilst i've never heard it, i'm pretty sure it couldn't be any worse.
Deep Purple would probably be the first major example that comes to mind... I guess it depends on how loosely you define "rock" and whether you only want hard rock/metal examples. I have some recordings of Brian Wilson (Beach Boys) performing with a small orchestra from the 60's and the Beatles "A Day In The Life" (Sgt Peppers) has what sounds like an orchestra in it as well.