
Guys, I need photoshop but don't want to spend $1000. I used to have it on my laptop that was stolen. help! :(

if you have a bit torrent program I recommend mininova.org because they tend to have it.

just make sure to read all the comments to see which ones work, may have problems and such.

don't just download the first one that you find.

that's the best that I can do sorry.
I found a bunch of these gems on youtube, they are prank calls using stored celebrity voices on a sound board and they just choose a quote to say in response to what the person getting pranked says. Fuck these people are stupid not to realise


George Bush at his best
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Now listen up TM cause i'm gonna show you that you boys aren't the only ones who know how to rock!

I just got this email. Not sure how true it is but it scared me!



Police officers working with the DARE program have issued this Warning:

If you are driving after dark and see and on-coming car with no headlights on, DO NOT FLASH YOUR LIGHTS AT THEM!

This is a common Bloods member 'initiation game' that goes like this:

The new gang member under initiation drives along with no headlights, and the first car to flash their headlights at him is now his 'target'. He is now required to turn around and chase that car, then shoot and kill every individual in the vehicle in order to complete his initiation requirements.
Police Depts across the nation are being warned. Their intent is to have all the "new bloods" nationwide drive around on Friday and Saturday nights with their headlights off.

In order to be accepted into the gang, they have to shoot and kill all individuals in the first auto that does a courtesy flash to warn them that their lights are off. Make sure you share this information with all the drivers in your family!

Please forward this message to all your friends and family members to inform them about this initiation ritual.