
Busted :lol: I'm a "registered pilgrim"!
Why didn't he come say hello?

Nah wasn't me I'm afraid... this time ;) Saturday should be interesting though :kickass:

he needs someway to carry his booze and gay porn about in.

I'm rather accomplished at carrying deceptive volumes of alcohol around without a bag, and if I really wanted to watch gay porn I'd video call you.
Random chat log:

<NES> lol
<NES> I download something from Limewire
<NES> And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done
<NES> I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you"
<NES> "getting my song back fucker"
The whole dog wine thing has me on a tangent looking for different forms of taboo carnivorous cuisine. Not so much weird freaky shit like dogs intestine soup or pregnant goldfish uterus like the Chinese eat. More so "oh my god you can't eat Bambi" stuff.

Hot Horse
A Slovenian fast food chain specialising in horse burgers.

Crazy Finnish farm-themed restaurant/nightclub which has reindeer on the menu.

Olde Hansa
Estonian ye-olde themed restaurant which sounds pretty standard other than for their signature dish: roast brown bear.

There are still plenty of things in my own proverbial backyard like crocodile and emu which are higher up my to-eat list but it still piques the curiosity.

The most absolutely bizarre thing I've stumbled upon so far is a cannibalism-themed joint in Japan. I'm not sure if this is real or a gee-up but if it's real it doesn't entirely surprise me which is scary enough in itself.



The restaurant serves sushi and sashimi on a naked woman's body. The body is made from food and placed on a hospital-style operating table. Patrons cut open the body and eat whatever they find inside. The body will actually bleed as you cut it and the intestines and organs inside are completely editable. Cheque please? :Puke: