Rank The Albums


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Yea yea there's likely a thread with this very topic on page 27...but what the hell, opinions can changee daily :p

Here's mine:

1) Blackwater Park (All I've been listening to for 2 months)
2) Still Life
3) Deliverance
4) Morningrise
5) Damnation
6) My Arms Your Hearse
7) Orchid

1. My Arms Your Hearse

2. Blackwater Park

3. Still Life

4. Orchid

5. Morningrise

6. Deliverance

7. Damnation
1. My Arms Your Hearse
2. Still Life
3. Blackwater Park
4. Deliverance
5. Morningrise
6. Damnation
7. Orchid
It's really hard to say, but I think that at the mometn it goes like this:

I Morningrise

II Blackwater Park

III My Arms Your Hearse

IV Orchid

V Still Life

VI Deliverance

VII Damnation

but it changes very often...
1) MAYH / Damnation (too different to rank one as better or worse)
2) Still Life
3) Blackwater Park
4) Deliverance
5) Morningrise
6) Orchid
1. Orchid
2. Morningrise
3. My Arms Your Hearse
4. Still Life
5. Blackwater Park
6. Deliverance
7. Damnation

interesting...its in the order of release...id never really given it that much thought before. :confused:

1. Still Life
2. Morningrise
3. My arms your hearse
4. Orchid
5. Deliverance
6. Damnation
7. Blackwater park

Tomorrow: Perhaps the other way around...
at the moment:
1. mayh :kickass:
2. deliverance
3. blackwater park
4. damnation
5. morningrise
6. still life
7. orchid

not that orchid is a bad album...its a great album actually...
anyone know where i can get "still day beneath the sun" and "patterns in the ivy II" without paying like 45 bucks for the import version of bwp?