Rant - My Generation.


Advocate of Autonomy
Feb 14, 2002
England, UK
The Exploitation of Youth.

Just thought being a newbie to these boards, i'd write up a few views on the understanding of my generation. In effect, i hope you gain as much clarity as i have done from my incessant ramblings. Thanks for you time.

This is not an instruction, a demand, or a verbal slinging match, but a statement of desperation. Being 18, residing in England, I fall into an age category that is looked upon as not only the future, but also the crippling difference between the generations before. I write to the best of my education, towards the preference of my own life and experiences and may use my limited (though constantly evolving and progressing) knowledge on the music industry to back me up. I write not knowing all the facts, but knowing enough to voice an opinion. For as I look around at my friends, and both older and younger teenagers, I see nothing but a future of bleakness and pointlessness.

Today, not being ‘fucked-up’ is frowned upon. Apparently, it’s cool to have issues. I can see all around me as once normal buddies fall into depression, the majority of which are false. Friends, who have shrouded themselves in lies to push themselves further from the truth. The ultimate aim is happiness, but at what cost, both emotionally and physically? The growing Americanisation of Britain is startling – the estuary dialect creeping up the country like a rising damp, and the fashion, music and eating habits – all influenced by American culture.

You’ve seen the teenagers of my generation I talk of. Genuinely, a minority of this trend following the original, and if that’s you, like me i’m hoping you’ll nod in agreement. They wear the textbook skate-punk uniform of long shorts, hoody and huge chain. There hair is either a luminous colour, gelled, or just a mess. They commune on sloped ground, where they can skate. Some may have boom boxes, banging out the latest corporate metal. From a distance, they seem threatening, and confrontational. However, they’re not. I have friends who fall into this category. Their not fucked-up and do not rue their upbringing. They don’t judge people on what they wear or listen to. Their accepting and genuinely nice people (hopefully you find the same with me, lol). But to the distant public, they have alienated themselves from society. Just because they don’t conform, they are not seen as nice people.

The above description was once seen as a minority, mainly populated by the nice people above. Sadly, what once was a minority is becoming a shocking majority. Now we have idiot wannabes coming in from all angles, listening to a Limp Bizkit record and deciding that that’s the way to go. These people are now the threatening, anti-social followers of a trend they know nothing about. People skate nowadays not to have fun, but to impress. Anyone who has had a piercing in the last month, can you really say you got it for you or that you weren't influenced by friends (Cue the lameness of peer pressure)? Again, it’s up to you how you look, but do things for yourself, not anyone else. People who know me will criticise me a hypocrite that I wear hoody’s, baggy clothes and also have piercings, tattoo’s and a foray of black accessories (eyeliner, dog collars, etc). But hey, I wear them for me. I think and feel mutually good about myself and if other people do, then that’s a bonus.

That’s enough superficial judging for the moment though. Onto the musical side of my rant. Limp Bizkit? I just need two words to sum up my pain of the music industry. (That’s not including the Pop Industry of course!) I mean the Bizkit and all it’s followers are hardly credible as bands anymore. Still, they apparently speak to the masses by swearing and oh so, originally commenting on the way life is so fucked up. Their guitarist comments on how dumb rock they are. If that’s your mentality, then shut up shop and stop exploiting the droves of stupid teens that buy the album for cred alone. Durst, you corporate whore! Make music that fits your state of mind. Your vice president of a record company, dammit. Go nuts. Start taking the piss. Start writing songs on how your fans are shallow and not open-minded. Or are you already? Are you so punk rock that this is a big middle finger to corporate cocksuckers, and a way to bring down the system from the inside? Nope, wait, you’re Fred Durst. Good ol’ uncle Fred. Every pound spent on his merchandise is a pound in his pocket. Go write some fucking tunes.

That goes for the rest of ‘Nu-metal’ as well. I’m musically open-minded. Anyone who really knows me will find I’m quite open to all music, as long as it’s fresh, exciting and breaks boundaries. I think Nu-metal is such a musical quicksand. The problem is this new teenager generation are all following this trend of Americanism. We’re populating a future of half-arsed attempts of hardcore metal. I’m going to single out Slipknot. Whilst openly being a fan of their music, I agree they aren’t something special. I talk not of their musical success, but of the way you can walk through any town centre and count the amount of Slipknot T-shirts (or, more obviously, hoodys) and realise that would have been considered underground a few years ago, is now leaning towards mainstream. If, as nu-metal fans, you can’t argue that it is becoming more obvious that the waters of alternativeness are turning stale yellow with commercialisation, then your wrong, so wrong in my opinion.

So what am I saying? Well, Slipknot hardly broke down musical barriers. I can rely that music of similar hardcore stature was being made well before Slipknot’s existence. But Slipknot had a gimmick that brought them to public attention. The masks and coded boiler suits. You have to call this a gimmick, because, simply, it is. The violence made at their gigs only added fuel to their fire (But man, that fuel was singularly the best stage presence of last year!), and they have taken off due to it. I predict by release of their third album, it will become so mainstream that you can pick up a Slipknot album at every local Supermarket. Nu-metallers, don’t get me wrong, I’m not against you. If you know everything and are happy with the way you are then you’re okay. I’m talking about those who jump on bandwagons just to justify their social status. That’s being really shitty, in my opinion. It’s taking something someone holds dear to him or her, and attempting to copy it. I think it’s totally unfair. If you wear something you think makes a statement, then someone copies it, or makes a slapdash effort at copying it, you’ll be pretty fucking annoyed, yeah? I know it’s superficial (there’s that word again), but fuck you, it’s my image. Get your own.

What I’m getting at is what a group of teenagers may see as cool, is, in fact, not cool. So what is cool? What do you have to do to be cool? Defy convention? Go against the grain? If these are the pre-requisites of cool, then all nu-metal, hoody wearing skateboarders can count themselves out. You’re not different. Coolness if you wanted my own opinion is about being different and not losing focus from who you really are. If like me, all you really want to do is listening to a certain music, dress to your own accord and smoke pot all day, then all the more power to you. You don't have to like or hold the same ideals as me, but aslong as there your ideals, then all the more power to you. I don't attempt to follow a certain trend and i hope no one else does. I do what i love and want to do, so whether that's cool or not to you is your own personal preference, but (and that's a big "but") can only justified by me, no one else.

Doesn’t it destroy you though when you see people who know nothing about what they want or why they are doing what they are doing? Doesn’t it make you feel sad when you see what you rebel against is mocked by people who know nothing about what you are doing, but jump aboard the bandwagon to look ‘cool’ anyway. I hate coolness. It’s a lie made up by someone to show his or her position of social authority. It’s so smug to be called cool. Call yourself cool now. Go on. Do it. Does it feel good? No, because it needs to be said by someone else to hit home.

Hmm... How judging and senseless are we in this age-range? Do we even care what people’s personality are anymore?

Note: It may seem like my musical taste is categorised into only one department i.e. *ahem* Nu-Metal, but please don't make this frontal judgement. I acknowledge and diverse myself in all types of Metal (although don't wish to argue over the virtues of who has the bigger understanding, that's just for the weak-minded) and only speak of Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit and Slipknot as generalised examples. Further more, i also wish to say a personal "fuck you" to anyone who regards my age of 18 as a focal point to the argument you discrimating, self-righteous so and so's. (Profane name calling is for the weak & inept!) This post was talking in respects to my age bracket and to those who can relate with the topic at hand. Sure, broach your comments, arguments and general queries, just don't lower yourself to the standards of others who see fit as to mock, laugh and cause destitute. Anyway i await your comments with a pleasurable indignation and once again thank you for your time. Moving swiftly on...
Welcome aboard!
I'd like to remind you that we're not mature enough to read such long messages and we're not used to holding such serious discussions here :cry:
I suggest you delete this topic and start with a brand new one, like "The moment I arrived, I figured Jan was gay." :grin:

As for the things you typed, I agree with most of them. You could have taken this issue much much lighter though, no need to worry over every single piece of shit down the drain.
Thanks for the Welcome, IRoN. Your comments are well received and noted. :)
Look forward to conversing with you in the future.

Edit: Lack of sleep, copius amounts of dope and my somewhat lacklustre talents in spelling your name wrong. :D
While I must say that I agree with the better part of your post (which took me a lot of time to read and i imagine it took you much longer to write) I have to disagree with some points you have made. From what I understood by your post you didn't agree with the mindless following of certain attitudes (life-styles?, ideologies? call it what you want) by people, especially of a young age, just because that's what the fashion dictates and because they really think them worthy of following. That's a very good description of modern day reality, but i didn't understand why do you believe that this is a characteristic just of new metal. I've listening to this music for quite a few years now and from my experience i found out that the same is true for almost all music styles and, more than that, for everything that is getting famous in a lesser or greater degree. How many kids decided that they are "true", "evil", "satanists" because last week they decided to buy "A Blaze In The Northern Sky? How many times have you heard that really annoying phrase "Fuck Posers" because someone went to a Manowar concert and suddenly decided that they are the only "true" metalheads around? How many times have you heard people complaining about the society and its problems just because they bought a Sex Pistols album? Whether we like it or not there are always people around that they prefer that some band do their thinking for them instead of doing it themselves. The problem in this case is not the bands but the fans. Durst is a very good businessman who found out that a certain attitude sells. It's up to the fans to decide if they like it or, and if they feel that this express their feelings. The problem isn't the music industry but the fact the many members of our generation (and every other generation before and after us) have stopped being individuals and start wanting to be a part of a mass. But I don't believe that we must held responsible anyone other that themselves. We often make the mistake to confuse music with life, Music is not a way of life, it's a means of entertainment and, sometimes, a reason to think a bit further aobut thinks. Just because I like Burzum, it doesn't mean that I'm a nazi or a satanist or whatever Vikernes decides to be next week. IF i like a band and their opinions/appearance/attitude coincide with mine that's all well, if not i just enjoy the music and let it go at that. Something doesn't become commercial by some obscure miracle but because WE make it commercial. WE create the fashions, at least I'd like to think that people are not just mindless robots.

And a comment about the age. We may be looked upon as the future of this poor world (i don't know if that's a good thing for Earth) but the fact is that most of us will stop being rebels in a few years and just do what every other generation did before us. Compromise (look where are all those former hippies are now). I don't exclude myself froim the above statement, because I don't know what the future holds for me. I don't really believe that we'll achieve anything really amazing or change the world for the better. It's more possible that we'll just make things worse.

Anyway in order to concluded this post which turned out to be longer than I expected although far smaller than Birdbrain's (probably out of lack of time and will) i'd like to say that i don't expect anyone to agree with all that's written above nor I believe that I have all the answers. My comments were just my thoughts on what Birdbrain wrote and i just thought it was interesting to be serious for a change....

By the way how did you figure that Jan was gay? :)
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
I don't really believe that we'll achieve anything really amazing or change the world for the better. It's more possible that we'll just make things worse.

Why not? I, for example will keep on trying and thriving forward until I drop (of course can't really know what's in store for me tomorrow but hey).

Sure it's nice to kick back, have a steady wage, have kids and sit peacefully. One day you'll wake up realizing you've sat throughout the whole show.
I am not saying that all of us are able to do something worth of a mention but if you go down, you might as well go down in flames.
With a bang instead of a puff.

And it's true about the posers, but they are just kids. It's a problem when those kids refuse to grow up.

If I completely missed the point, don't hold it against me, what I say is true anyway :grin:
Kveldssanger: Thank you for your in-depth comments. About your subjection to how i've characterised new metal, i actually totally agree with what your saying. My post was in fact generalised to that effect anyway, i mean i could've gone onto what you say about all music types... it's just it would've taken me forever you know? I was broaching on a personal level as the metal scene was the most appropriate to me and so i subjected that and went off tangents in those respects. I apologies if you’ve mis-concepted my post or taken any of my views the wrong way, as I agree with everything you say up until, “Music is not a way of life.” But I’ll get back to that after I’ve given a good throttling to my next victim, the pop industry.

Music for me is about inspiration, a sound that originates from intelligence. It is more over an expression to freely influence people without the social trappings of the modern world that instigate what we can and can’t do. Pop music for instance generalises this idea through a broadband medium and then distributes it via public relations, advertisements, and commercialism to sell it to us through manufactured packages of people with personalities (often in accordance to certain traits and fashion), which eventually change towards popular behaviour. In short, it’s a popularity contest a.k.a. popular music and spread like a disease using all it’s little succubi groups of the government's lower intestines.

Extending the theory to our generation though, you know so it's more applicable... musicians today (if you can call them that), that do conform to the pop industry in my opinion (and pardon the overtone) ...SUCK! It's like were music against mass media... souless, spiritless, corporate little so and so's each and every one of them. Sadly i believe that's what the *general* public wants though... you know government approved music, mass media production and groups of the same talentless, sociocultural pedigree anyway. If not, i wouldn't be broaching such views. I mean society really has lost it's way in the last couple of years and the pop industry is most definitely my public enemy No.1 for this post.

Music to me should be about something tangible enough to gain praise for what it is, not what it has become through public interest and media coverage. Back to your point on music being a means of entertainment, Kveldssanger. I mean i’m sure there are people who only listen to music for the enjoyment of entertainment purposes, so I can’t really argue with that aspect of the industry. It is manufactured for the general public and it’s meant to appeal to a lot of people afterall. It’s however this prospect, the continuity of music being directed to a certain “people” (or stereotyping I talk of in my first post) that perplexes me so much. I take music seriously, it has to contain a certain balance, it has to meet expectations, it has to fulfil my ideals as the listener and it has to more than ever follow it's own path... not be led towards musical greatness via record bosses, public relations and elite corporate sponsor's and dictator's. When the music is taken advantage of by bandwagon jumpee’s and a conformed originality via musical media strategists. Mr. Durst, for example. You say he’s a good businessman and I full well agree. But that's not music, that's not music at all!

Off-topic and branching off somewhat, in my own experience people that listen to pop music against in example, metal music are by far the more aggressive people and the music is far more likely to endanger your children in my opinion. I mean millions today are growing up in hostile environments and whether it be school or home, more and more are needing a form of emotion to take all that pain/pressure away as a form of release. Simply listening to pop music all the while... well it's just not healthy, understand? *Parents* aswell who hold an anti-violence/anger, pro-censorship stance towards things will quite undoubtedly take sides towards this, saying we have to protect the children and what not. But are you telling me you'd rather see your child learn the reality of the world after their 18? The younger generations today are slowly growing up faster and faster and i believe as a race we are slowly evolving due to this. All *you* are doing is holding everything back for your own ideals, which i think to be honest are quite dumb as in my view your the reason growing kids are hiding in the shadows of your own policies and beliefs... living life in prison's you create and this goddamn system based education most kids can learn in their own means anyway. It's just the continuous need to differ yourselves from us, work vs. education that i believe has led the generations into hatred in the 21st century. Using anarchy and pent up rage to show you we are still people too, i mean were just as intelligent as you (maybe not as experienced) but definitely intelligent as you.

Pop music (and your point about a lot… but not *all* music styles holding the same principles) is but a simple method of entertaining people “through” the music and not “with” the music, as it’s main influence. It uses the music as a working formula to create and transform into what the people want, not what and how the music wants to progress and evolve by it's own standings. As for the *all* I noted, I mean that’s what I look for and strive in my attempt (dare I say) to evolve and progress my musical tastes. Music for me has to have a deeper meaning towards it's lyric's, it's emotions, it's reason for *existing* more than anything. Like a sense of justification, a lyrical policy or ethos if you will.

As aforementioned though Kveldssanger, back to your comment about “Music is not a way of life.” Well you know for me, it actually is. You may not think or believe it, however I’ll try and explain myself. Now what I’m trying to say is that there’s a certain connection with music, as with everyone who takes music to a certain level of understanding, it’s just something that’s there. Emotion, judgement, stability… I mean music can affect your life in so many ways and if it ever comes to a point to where your starting to understand what i’m trying to say, you’ll soon realise music is and can be a lot more than just a tool to life. Sure, some people in fact don't want to take music as serious as me or care about whether a band is created, manufactured or conformed towards a specific standpoint or meaning. I agree on that basis, it’s just if you believe the music gives you something, takes you someplace, moves you and your own life in such a way that it’s almost mutual means… then yeah, music can definitely be a literal way of life/living.

Back to the pop industry though, i mean how much hypocrisy does the music industry and it's listeners want to hold before realising the bands *cough* groups your listening too are in fact "produced" by contracted corporations and major record sponsors hiding behind idealistic creations and propositioned sales goals to do their bidding. It's saddening; it really is as the music is nothing but pre-recorded, lip-synced acts that essentially don't write their own lyrics. Clouded by popularity and the need to become successful, using the music as nothing more than a stage block. I believe it's impossible to say pop music is musically gifted. It's… so not. As for your comment on music being fashionable, popular and commercial due to us, then I agree. However do *i* want to make it popular, commercial or fashionable? No.

Everything as you say t’s obviously all personal preference and what *your* ideals are, not mine. This is simply a personal opinion, which I believe as long as were not being hosted by fascist admin (Apologies Mark!), I think my opinions are valid. That doesn’t mean I’m against conversing and arguing over issues though. I mean that’s the main reason I like discussion boards. The actual *discussions* lol, as I’m always up for a debate… however heated.

Thank you for your time.

So who’s Jan, lol? :D
Originally posted by 403
Why not? I, for example will keep on trying and thriving forward until I drop (of course can't really know what's in store for me tomorrow but hey). Sure it's nice to kick back, have a steady wage, have kids and sit peacefully. One day you'll wake up realizing you've sat throughout the whole show. I am not saying that all of us are able to do something worth of a mention but if you go down, you might as well go down in flames.
With a bang instead of a puff.
I totally agree, 403. :rock:

Originally posted by dreamwatch
Welcome to the board Birdbrain.
I understand many of the points made in your post, but I'm afraid that they are nothing new. It was exactly the same when I was young and it will be exactly the same for years to come. It's life, it's the way of the world.
Thank you for the welcome, dreamwatch. :)

As for the rest of the post, i think i was digressing on that basis anyway. Although i didn't reiterate those exact feelings about generations before, i certainly wasn't broaching against it or saying that my generation was different in principle or opinion. I agree, that's the way the world has always worked, yes. My comments though... well they were made on a personal level of only "one" generation, "a" generation, "of" many more generations and nothing more. You get what i'm saying, lol? :err: :p
I guess i wasn't being overly polite because i didn't welcome you as well so in order to redeem myself i'm doing it now. :) (i'm quite new here myself)

The main point of my post, though it may not have been clear enough due to the fact that english isn't my mother tongue so I 'm not that good at expressing myself in this language, was that music surely affects your life, your feelings and in a more general way you soul but I don't believe it should dictate your life. So I guess I agree more or less with your point of view. I guess it all comes down to what pop music is for you. As much as we'd (people who mainly listen to this music, although i don't know if you put yourself in this category) like to think that we frown upon trends and we aren't in the same condition as the fans of other kinds of music, i don't think that's exaclty true. I consider metal to be "pop" music if we accept the fact that it is popular. We have our own trends (appearance, attitude, way of expression) which are less known due to the less number of fans compared to other kinds of music, but are trends nonetheless. We may don't want to admit it but a guy with the typical "metal" appearance isn't different than the guy who goes to a rave party wearing clothes in bright colours and having dyed his hair pink or whatever. I'm not saying that it's bad, everyone is free to decide how to behave and what to look like, but that doesn't mean that he's not part of a trend. It all comes down to what we think it's good or bad, black or white (although grey tends to dominate lately).

On the family issue now, i must say that I agree with you. Children must be let to form their own opinions at an early age because that will help them be complete individuals easier. However that fact is that a 15-year old doesn't think like an 18-year old or a 20-year old or a 25-year old person. During the last few years i noticed many changes in my way of thinking and many changes in my ideas and beliefs, I guess that's true for eveyone. But I'll postpone giving you my complete opinion on the subject after I have created my own family, so you may have to wait a few years. :grin:

Well we have strayed a lot from our original subject so I guess I must end my rantings ;) now. About what 403 said we 'll all try to go out with a bang but whether we achieve it or not is not to be known until the last minute, but it's sure going to be a very interesting ride. :grin:

Thanks for making me take the time
(by someone who should study for tomorrow's exam)

Greetings Birdbrain, i consider myself far to new a poster to welcome you here as i´m not settled myself ;)

Here are my general thoughts after reading everyone's posts.

Kveldsanger, you said metal kinda is pop music, i agree. I´ve noticed that i tend to like things other do not know of, or are far from being popular. I think the reason is that i´m more likely to find ppl who think amongst the fan base of such unpopular things. To take my agegroup around here, of the 28 ppl in my class, about 3-4 have any opinions they made themselves after some serious thinking (and now i´m not talking about ´oh i think this colour fits my eyes better´ "opinions").

Yes, 15yo, 18yo, 20yo, 25yo all think differently but in a way, if kids are informed a bit they keep their opinions. When i was 13 i believed the church was a bad institution, partly due to the fact my father had told me how it had used guilt through religion for centuries but also of my own accord, coz i just didn´t like it. Now, at 18, i still dislike the church, but the real change is that i have reasons, facts etc to back up my opinion. I´ve gotten them by reading, thinking and just observing, not by following anything. I agree it may have started by fatherly influence but i´m very sure i´d gotten to the same conclusion in the end, even if it would have taken more time. Then again, it also depends on one's upbringing, really, how one thinks and goes through life.

i don´t remember what made me think of this, but about musical preferences, it kinda changes with age.. when i was 14-16 i mostly listened to .. well, crap. not all of it is that bad but i´d be a bit ashamed to admit to listening to some of it hehe. hell, it even went up till 17.. after a year i´ll maybe regret listening to some of the stuff i listen to now. But music that really moves me, that i think is incredibly beautiful, is what i have never lost faith in, what i still regard as good music. Most of that happens to be classical music, which i´ve heard through my dad since i was a bouncing brat but i am starting to appreciate it a helluva lot more than i did, however there are other types of music as well where i´ll find something i believe to be breathtaking.

403, yeah, i´ve always wanted to make a bang. There are so many ppl in history who arouse my interest and i end up finding out as much as i can about them, how they thought, what they said and did. I wish i´d be able to be one of those after my death and to make someone think. *sigh* oh well, as kveldsanger said, i´ll guess i´ll find out when i finally drop dead :)
Birdbrain: the "wannabe idiots" you refer to have been called "part-timers" round were i live due to them being "goths" sometimes and Neds the rest of the time.

I agree with what you said and i've noticed a lot of it too. Too many "bands" are only in it for the money, just look at punk. The Offspring (i *think*) were one of the first bands like that and now there are thousands of them (Sum 41, Blink 182 etc) who play songs that are identical to each other and identical to almost every other Punk band (or is it called Industrial? I don't know/care). I like The Offspring because (to me) they were original (and their guitarist kicks arse! ;) ) and the seemed to be in it for the music. However, they are getting very "samey" which i think is a shame because if they put their minds to it they could be a really great band, but they only seem to be interestin in the same style. If they branched out it would be great.

Going on to Nu-Metal. I can't say i'm a great fan of the stuff. It also seems very "samey" and commercial. I find it ni-on impossible to tell the difference between one nu-metal band/song and another, but then i would guess that it just depends on how you listen to it. the only nu-metal i hear is at a place called The Cathouse near where i live, which is the only place that plays metal/nu-metal or anything like it.

Opps, i've just realised the time. I'll continue this message later. :)
Okay! The continuation.

As i was saying about nu-metal:

I do find it hard to tell each band/song apart, but i have to say that i agree with them being actual bands. although a lot of them are only doing it for the money, i'd guess that some of the more original bands (like Korn) did it because they wanted to make music, and they wanted to make music that was different. i have wide music tastes, but the thing i hate the most is when people only do it for the money. like the afforementioned industrial bands (with the exclusions of offspring). maybe i'm judging them without the full story, and i'm open to that, but it seems like they all just want to squeeze punk for it's money, and the same is happening to metal. Metal has always had a bad press, and i was actually really happy when it started gaining popularity, until i realised what this popularity meant. Metal used to be a way of life, and for the "true" fans i'd say it still is (it is for me!), but all the popularity has introduced the part-timers who just wanna be "cool". i've never done anything to be considered cool. I do things because i have a good sense of humour and think it will be funny or because i want to. i currentl have black nail polish on, and "people" keep saying to me "why ju huv nail polish on? Thats wit lassies' wear?" (people is in brackets because i don't consider neds to be people), to which my answer is always "why not?". they also like to tell me i have large sideburns. quite why i'm not sure unless they think facial hair is a sign of some kind of sickness, not maturity (although some of the probably see maturity has a sickness). i also get the same reaction to my hair. The thing is, though, that although nu-metal is probably quite well known, 80's metal is still back water stuff, except to the true metal fan. i'm an 80's fan through and through. i love the style of heavy metal that came from the NWOBHM (ie Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, etc) and most people today don't seem to know anything about it, which is kind of good and bad at the same time.

As for pop music, all i can say is that it's total shite and shouldn't be considered music. All the pop stuff i see is commercialised bollocks made by record companies. they don't even play their own instruments or write their own songs.

Then, of course, we get to that actual record companies, and this would be where my language goes downhill. I hate them. I despise them totally. They don't understand what music is, they just see it as a business. Their goal is to make money by latching on to fashions or something good. This happened with modern punk. The people in charge of the record companies put the bands together, give them rediculous contracts and pitiful amounts of money, and squeeze them for as much money as they can; all so they can gain a little bit more money each and feel a little bit more powerful everyday. As i said before, they don't understand music, and the people in these bands aren't real musicians. Heres a comparrison for you. Take Status Quo, must have started early 60's, i think. 40 years on, they're STILL at it. Do you think Sum 41 or Blink or wannabe bands will be around in 40 years time? 30? 10? even 5?! doubt it. Status Quo do it because they love making music and they love the feeling of being on stage performing. They made all the money they could ever need back in the 60's and 70s, the money they get now isn't important; the playing is, and i think that's true for a lot of bands that don't get recognised. Take a more recent example, Slash' Snakepit. they've realised 2 albums and the only person whos the same in the "band" is Slash. This is because he loves to make music. He just phones round musicians and kinda says "hi, it's Slash. do you wanna make some music together?" and they do. They write the songs, play the songs, record them and do a tour. They do need to make money as this is the way they earn a living, but the money is a bonus. They love the music, not the money. Record companies don't get this. They are a company. They just want money and exploit people for it. They screw the musicians over and take almost all their money. I hate them totally and completely. Music would be better off without them, if you ask me.

Anyways! if you did, thanks for taking the time to read through all that. as i said you made some valid points, and i agree with almost all of them.

And welcome to Ultiimatemetal.com! you'll find we're a crazy bunch of so and sos! ;)

Originally posted by terrymx
what the hell is wrong with you people? i'm not reading all that shit


I read all of the first few posts.....Welcome Birdbrain (a name which hardly gives you credit). Great thread!!:)

If you like Opeth, or even if you don't, I suggest you come give us a visit. Debates get rather heated and wonderful over there. You and Satori could write a book.:p
Originally posted by Kveldssanger
Music is not a way of life, it's a means of entertainment and, sometimes, a reason to think a bit further about things

Sorry, Kveldssanger. I honestly disagree with you there. To me, music is life. For a long time music was all i had in life, the only thing that wouldn't turn away from me. Without music i wouldn't be me, i wouldn't play guitar. my guitar is my life, and the music i create with my guitar is one of the things that keeps me going from day to day. I recently realised that for all my love of mathematics and physics, for all my desires to expand the knowledge of physics for the better of humanity, all i want to do is play guitar and make music and be with my friends. Music is something that cannot ever be called "a means of entertainment" in my case, and in several other peoples' cases. without music i would have nothing i have today, no friends to care for, cry for and love, and no guitar to let myself go with. I can realise that to many, and probably most, people this doesn't apply, but there are thousands of people with this attitude. I would guess that you're not a musician, am i right? I probably wouldn't consider music my life if it wasn't for my guitar.
Hi there mate...by the looks of the opening comments of this thread you got really stoned and listened to a pantera album..if not you should put toghether a band like them or something..personally..maybe because im a reformed pothead, but i reckon most of the problems come from overuse of pot or any other drug for that matter
You're right Slash, I'm not a musician although music is a big part of my life and probably my most important interest. I guess if I were a musician I would think the same way with you because then music would be what I'd do in my life. I guess it all comes down to each person's way of thinking.
Yeah, i'd say you're right. It does depend greatly on your point of view. some people just see music as a series of mathematical algorithms (poor, deprived people...... *sigh* ) while some people just don't like it (again, poor deprived people........). Then you get the crazy musicians like me. ;)

btw, i've just read through what i said earlier, and i kinda got a feeling from that i didn't intend. A kinda feeling like i was talking down to you, which i wasn't and honestly didn't mean. Sorry if you got that too, mate. :s