
and to think, we came dangerously close to allowing teachers to use it in class to "reach" black people. my god, can you imagine the far-reaching disastrous effects of that?
I think it'd amuse you to know that I have a cousin who's in a rap band that's just starting out. Here's a pic of me with a copy of their EP they sent me.

In case you can't read it, it's called "Da Official EP 2 Da Streets" :rolleyes:


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whoa, belial :cool:
well there's one rap song i heard that i like, boyz2men, 4 season of change, it's old school rap though. i grow up on some rap stuff too. i was trying to do break dance too, haha.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
@Belial: Are you ashamed of your pupils? why do you always hide them, do not get me wrong it looks wicked but its like you are a bit shy to show your pupils :lol:

It's not that I'm ashamed. You see, at a young age I sold my soul to the dark angel bealzebub for a dounut and being possesed by his spirit took my pupils away. :heh:

If you want, you can look at these pupils. :yow:

:lol: seriously though, I posted a pic of me, pupils and all, on the 8th page of the picture thread.
There seems to be quite a bit of un-informed critism towards Rap music in the Metal community of the past eight or nine years. Yes, most commercial Rap one sees these days is very much bound to the "gangsta" motif in one way or the other,(whether or not any of these artists -and I use that term loosley- has ever been involved in that side of life is subject to question on most accounts). The truth is, the record company execs have found that that is what sells and they stick to whatever pays the bills... and then some. Unfortunately, this means that the few good Rap artists out there get shovled to the back or simply buried. Truth be told, the Rap scene overall isn't that different from the Metal scene in which we choose to exist. The bands that most of us listen to here are, by far, the most creative, talented, and worth-while of the Metal world, but who is it that gets all the exposure and makes the big bucks? Bands like Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Korn, I could go on but you know of whom I speak. Opeth could easily blow those guys away in any category. So, why do these "Nu-Metal" bands get all the glory? Simple answer; image and a few controversial episodes which appear in the media from time to time.

Well, the exact same thing goes on in Rap. Two examples I can give there of great Rap you've probably never heard would be A Tribe Called Qwest and The Disposable Heros Of Hiphoprisy. Both acts wrote intelligent, thought-provoking lyrics and had a creatively outstanding approach to the musical background used in each song. Qwest were one of the first Rap groups to actively embrace a Jazz herritage and Dispoable Heros were one of the most socially and politically-minded acts that has ever been. Other acts that are of note in this category are Me-Phi-Me,(a acoustic rap group with real musicians) and the always lauded yet never truly appreciated Public Enemy.

If any of this "crap rises while the good stuff gets crushed at the bottom" stuff sounds familliar, it should. Rap and Metal, within their respective scenes and followings, are very simillar in this regard. Let us also not forget that Metal artists and fans in the 80's were probably the most responsible for bringing Rap music to the masses. While Aerosmith isn't exactly Metal, per se, their collaboration with Run-DMC was the first wide-reaching Rap single. Anthrax brought Rap into the Metal clique even deeper with "I'm The Man" and their collaboration with Public Enemy on P.E.'s "Bring 'Da Noise". Who do you think produced many of the early DefJam albums by groups like The Beastie Boys, L.L. Cool J, and Run-DMC? Rick Ruben, the man responsible for bringing Slayer, Danzig, and many other great Metal acts into their own with his production skills.

In fact, chances are that if you listened to Metal in the 80's you were probably well-read about Rap as well. The link is there, always has been. Both genres' fans and performers share a very similar background in their begginings. Both were shunned by the large record labels,(at least until a appropriate way to exploit both styles could be found. Metal with the "Hair" period in the 80's, and now Rap with the "gangsta" period). Once upon a time, people who listened to either style of music were generally made fun of by their peers or were "outcasted" entirely for their musical tastes. And, lastly, both started as underground forms of music.

Let us also not overlook Faith No More's little contribution to the homogenization of both styles circa 1990, and also the Judgement Night soundtrack,(which is always overlooked but was one of the first full albums of Rap/Metal/Rock crossover and did quite well in its' day and was very influential over the following decade). And the final artist of note here is Ice-T. Anybody want to question him about his love of both the musical styles of Metal and Rap as well as his "street cred"?

In summary, before judging too harshly on Rap music with a knee-jerk reaction based on the experience of the past ten years, post-N.W.A. period of the genre, educate yourself on exactly what it is you're criticizing. You may find that your preffered style of music and Rap are intrinsically linked in more ways than you might believe. and you just might find some of the other that you can listen to and enjoy on occaision. I'm no avid Rap listener and I certainly dislike about 90% of what I'm hearing from that part of the cultural world these days, but when the urge to hear "Fear Of A Black Planet" hits, there is no substitute.
You may find that your preffered style of music and Rap are intrinsically linked in more ways than you might believe

Yeah, i know what you mean. There is some AWESOME guitar-solos on 2-pac's records. :D
Addendum to previous post:

One thing I forgot to add in regard to the Rap groups of which I spoke positively above; most of these groups/artists have the same attitude about popular and gangsta Rap as most of those who have posted intelligent comments on this thread. A quote from "Do You Wanna Go Our Way" by Public Enemy:

"Outraged Against The Scene
Proofread The Script
Flipped It Back So I’m Back In Gang Green
We Interrupt This Routine I Had A Dream
Da Clean Protein Smacked The Gangsta Lean
Between The Triple Team
Wiped Em Out Like A Drought
Damn I’m Raps Tetracycline
Them Lips Foretold These Apocalypse
Everything Had A Shot
And Got Hit Wit Bullshit
Twisted Politics Tricks I Couldn’t Get Wit
As One Quits Another Nitwit Hits
All The Way Crazy, Shady
World Turned Upside Down
I Put It Down
Why Destroy What You Love
Look Around
Surrounded By Chalk Marks On The Ground
Where The Lost Got Found
Why It All Come Tumblin Down
Why He And She Gotta Die
Now How Dat Sound"

Oh, by the way Trapped, if you want a guitar solo in a Rap song, you don't have to hunt too hard. Kerry King played the solo on "Fight For Your Right To Party" by the Beastie Boys.:cool:
Im very much with analog_kid with this subject.
i mean i have friends who listen to hip hop and rap and for the most part its stuff that is as underground as Opeth, and they most certainly do no listen to it to be gangstas or to be cool or anything like that. And the music is very well done and skilled. But its guaranteed that a large portion of people on this board will let their own personal taste be too important to even consider it.

I was discussing this with someone yesterday, and what was basically said was that all music has a purpose and achieves something. Rap achieves something that no other music achieves, Metal achieves something that no other music achieves, Dance achieves something that no other music achieves... etc. Every style has its commercialised money making bullshit, but id hope people who have got past that in one genre (metal) would be able to see that the same can be done for other genres. Of course not every type of music is going to suit YOU, and when this happens its easy to criticise (just listen to reviews of opeth by people who only like really extreme metal), because you cant see what its achieving.
Yeah, i know what you mean. There is some AWESOME guitar-solos on 2-pac's records.
And this is a classic example of people not seeing that rap is different to metal, rap doesnt need guitar solos, its not trying to achieve what metal does. If your listening to rap and expecting it to affect you in the same way that metal does then your very mistaken, its different.

One thing i tend to stand by is that "If u dont understand something then u cant criticise it". If u dont understand how anyone could actually like rap then how can u really say its bad? obviously your missing something.

but yeh i personally get nothing from rap, some french hip hop stuff can interest me though, but id never buy any CDs because its purpose has no use in my life.

and this isnt meant to be attacking anyone here, im actually just getting some stuff off my chest with other non-opeth-board-members so dont take my opinions too strongly :)
I think rap is like any other genre of music in that 95% of it sucks. If you don't like the style to begin with there is almost no chance that you are going to seek out the "good 5%". On the other hand if you like metal you will seek out the 1 in 20 releases that are worth buying and slag the rest because you KNOW its crap, not because you just don't understand which stuff is good. I am not into musics that make the lyrics the main thing. This includes country and opera. But if that is what other people want to listen to that is their own deal. :cool:
I don't give a flying crap what links rap and Metal has, how underground links they might have... the thing is I don't like it and it never gives me the "feeling" that Metal gives me.
I just cannot see those links. I can see close links between metal and hardcore they are musically influenced, i can see those links even between metal and punk ( goddamn sodom sounds like old punk to me ) but i cannot see those rap links at al. Maybe they coexisted and maybe they helped each other and spawned some comercial metal bands that used rap in some songs or became influenced by rap like biohazard ( but biohazard was not metal it was rapcore but turned out that way ) and yea its ok that those bands where friends with rap bands, its ok the invited each other ocacionally, but they were not influencial. I am a fand of extreme metal, i somehow appreciate old extreme metal bands like Death Sodom Celtic Frost Venom etc and those where the base of the things i love today like brutal death metal melodic death metal some black metal etc. I do not see the rap being in the formula at ALL musicwise, not even a little bit. Maybe the others think otherwise but i do not even respect heavy metal bands cause i think they were mediocre with expeption of ocational nonblues leads but for the most part 80s heavy ( not glam ) bands make me sick and i hate them. Now you expect me to belive that i should respect a tiny tiny part of the rap cause some bands, mostly sellout bands in the end, included what a couple of songs? some riffs? shared producers? i spit on their faces they can drop dead for all i care. Your obscure reference to the underground jazz/hiphop band does intrigue me and it is the only valid argument you have, i might even give those bands a listen or two ( not the political ones im tired of pointless protest that is good for nothing ) cause they are also not guilty of having crappy roots like i do with heavy metal, they are not guilty of having stupid people in the rest of they genre. But in the end does it matters? so there is some rap bands that are nice, so ok they have they followers like metal and do ok for what they do. I bet almost all fans of those underground rap bands think of metal like satanic noisy bullshit anyway and i cannot blame them i do not wish to influence them they are just too diferent for me to care. I can get along with them, fine i get along even with cowbows it has nothing to do with it, but i do not go out trying to influence jazz into each cowboy that has hints of liking some blues, i do not go out and try to put metal into the heads of every marlyn manson loving goth girl i meet, i just say that is fine with me.

If the rap fans are so fucking sensitive that they are gonna react like this when we say rap is crap ( even if they do like decent rap ) they are fucking morons and i dont want nothing to do with them, just like i dont want nothing to do with the metal morons that try to win every single argument when they are told metal is satanic noise.
Some hiphop is cool. It's still not "music", but funny nevertheless.