
Maybe if someone in rap thought up some decent lyrics then just MAYBE i would give them a little credit... but it seems like everyone in the business is an immature unoriginal bastard whos been traumatized by their cruel middle-upper class life in the suburbs trying to sound tough and intimidating. And the worst part is it doesnt even have any musical value, most of them speak in monotone voices to computer generated beats for crying out loud! And all those damned sound effects get on my nerves.
it just glorifies how certain people throw their lives away

Yeah. They should take a hint from heavy-metal bands. I mean, it's not as if metal bands ever sing about drugs or violence... :confused:
Thats true Trapped, but at least you can respect metal bands who sing about that stuff because they can write damn good music.
ha ha. As opposed to:

Death, Hate, Blood, Gore, Fuck some virgin whore, Shit, Fuck, Death, Sorrow, Darkness.

i know there's at least a few of us on this board who grew up on the old-school rap, much of which i love and respect. but there hasn't been anything good since around 1990. such a shame that a perfectly good genre has to take on such a violent image and glorify the worst of society. in order to be a rapper nowadays, you HAVE to discuss certain topics -- it's just ludicrous.

many people think blaming music is a scapegoat, but i firmly believe rap has been a HUGE contributor to the "fall" (??) of black culture. the black people of my generation have middle-class parents who worked hard to get there against so much discrimination, and now these spoiled punks throw it all away to pretend they're poor. it fucking pisses me off, probably more than any other topic. this area has a large RICH black population, and i know several people who have pursued a music career, and every single one of them writes lyrics about gangbanging and being poor, blah blah blah, when they grew up in fucking mansions -- in fact, the only way they got a record deal in the first place is because their families control the Black Entertainment Television station. Fucking bullshit. it's so depressing because it's a never-ending circle.
"ha ha. As opposed to:

Death, Hate, Blood, Gore, Fuck some virgin whore, Shit, Fuck, Death, Sorrow, Darkness."

I don't listent to much of anything with those kind of lyrics, if I do it's because I like the instruments. I do like listening to sorrowful music because it's the most emotional for me, but I'm not particularly fond of "Entrails ripped from a virgin's cunt" type lyrics.