rare prog from early 70s

Simply amazing.. You should somehow try to make money off of your considerable knowledge bank of obscure bands & artists. I think you know more than Mr. Åkerfeldt himself.

About Roky Erickson: I know he did the song "Burn the Flame" from the Return of the Living Dead soundtrack in 1985.. and I loved the creepiness of that song. Just wondering if it was worth pursuing.. Didn't he also go insane and now he's in an asylum??
RjBeals said:
Simply amazing.. You should somehow try to make money off of your considerable knowledge bank of obscure bands & artists. I think you know more than Mr. Åkerfeldt himself.

About Roky Erickson: I know he did the song "Burn the Flame" from the Return of the Living Dead soundtrack in 1985.. and I loved the creepiness of that song. Just wondering if it was worth pursuing.. Didn't he also go insane and now he's in an asylum??
i dont compete with anyone, haha...and im sure Mikael knows more than me...or at least owns a bit more albums than i do anyway. I dont know if he cares or pays attention to details as much as i do though...i like to know a lot about the bands i like if i can....but with obscure bands the knowledge is rare and limited more times than not.

As for the other information on Roky Erickson...im actually not sure about his contributions to that soundtrack, or his current state right now...for i really only know about his 60s/70s music contributions. but youve sparked my interest and ill certainly look into it, and perhaps let you know anything i might be able to find out.

some more bands for people to check out:

Bo Hansson - Swedish keyboardist...did some great synth based atmospheric music (but also with guitar and other instruments) including a lord of the rings inspired album, and several others all which are great!

Folque - Norwegian folk progressive rock. Very rural and organic...quite genuine folk in the nordic vibe, but very good and melodic!

Fuzzy Duck - Progressive tinged (or at least creative, mainly due to the keyboards and twists) heavy rock, in the vein of deep purple, lucifer's friend and cactus....catchy and enjoyable.

Thanks! I'm going to check the band you have mentioned.
Thanks again!


NineFeetUnderground said:
"on fire" is the newest spiritual beggars album. apparently theyre coming out with a new one very soon as well, so keep an eye out for that one! check it all out at www.spiritualbeggars.com

also, in a similar vein...but not nearly as hard...more along the lines of "uriah heep" or led zeppelin's more progressive moments....is the new swedish retro classic rock band "Black Bonzo". I ordered this recently from the band...and its absolutely stunning...youd never know it was made last year...has tons of great guitar work, mellotrons, organs, harmonized vocals and gang vocals, etc. So anyone whos interested in that, i highly recommend it. www.blackbonzo.com has some clips you can listen to and any other info you might need.
I've been seriously into prog rock during the last year, and my interest has resulted in quite a few nice additions to my modest cd collection. My variation was limited to Camel, Focus, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Reneissance and Yes before I found this outstanding thread. Thanks to NineFeet's and others' honourable knowledge I have found a whole new world consisting of Änglagård, Caravan, Cressida, Gentle Giant, Nektar, Paatos, Porcupine Tree, Soft Machine and Triumvirat, and I can barely imagine the endless source of beauty and inspiration of them and their kin I still have left to discover.

I'd also recommend an acoustic Opeth inspired band "October Falls", and another acoustic/folk band called "Tenhi" spiced with some very delicate cello and jew's harp, both from Finland.
Eemu said:
I've been seriously into prog rock during the last year, and my interest has resulted in quite a few nice additions to my modest cd collection. My variation was limited to Camel, Focus, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Reneissance and Yes before I found this outstanding thread. Thanks to NineFeet's and others' honourable knowledge I have found a whole new world consisting of Änglagård, Caravan, Cressida, Gentle Giant, Nektar, Paatos, Porcupine Tree, Soft Machine and Triumvirat, and I can barely imagine the endless source of beauty and inspiration of them and their kin I still have left to discover.

I'd also recommend an acoustic Opeth inspired band "October Falls", and another acoustic/folk band called "Tenhi" spiced with some very delicate cello and jew's harp, both from Finland.

im so glad youve discovered a lot of these great bands, and are enjoying what you hear...keep checking back, for ill continue to post more and more suggestions, as im sure mikael will too.

and yes, October Falls is pretty good...i have their first release. however id say theyre much more Ulver influenced than Opeth...

if youre not familiar with Ulver, and you like October Falls i highly recommend you get Ulver - Kveldssanger you WONT regret it! same style, but better

NineFeetUnderground said:
if youre not familiar with Ulver, and you like October Falls i highly recommend you get Ulver - Kveldssanger you WONT regret it! same style, but better


Yeah, I've only seen extremely positive reviews of "Kveldssånger", and I'll try to include that in my next purchase-budget. Are the two followers of Kveld.. anything to recommend? I find a lot of critics saying that Ulver has become more and more "pop" with albums full ofcomputer generated sounds.

It's sad that ordinary cd stores have only narrow selections of prog rock, that's why I was very happy to discover "Mellotronen" in one of your previous posts.
Eemu said:
Yeah, I've only seen extremely positive reviews of "Kveldssånger", and I'll try to include that in my next purchase-budget. Are the two followers of Kveld.. anything to recommend? I find a lot of critics saying that Ulver has become more and more "pop" with albums full ofcomputer generated sounds.

It's sad that ordinary cd stores have only narrow selections of prog rock, that's why I was very happy to discover "Mellotronen" in one of your previous posts.

In my opinion, Ulver does NOT have a bad release whatsoever. their first three albums lended itself to "black metal" and "acoustic" music primarily, kveldssanger being entirely acoustic for that matter...and the one after it "nattens madrigal" being pretty much all electric and harsh black metal...but also very good. Their debut album is a blend of both...black metal and acoustic/folk elements...maybe their best release of this vein.

Later they lost the black metal aproach, and started to become more advant garde and creative, with a concept of william blake's the marriage of heaven and hell story as the basis of the 2 disc album. Following that, they shed all rock motifs, and stuck with primarily electronic, ambient and trip-hop influences...but dont let this deceive you or put you off...for they are some of the best albums ive heard come out of any underground, especially the album "perdition city" which is one of my top albums of the 90s. They continue in a similar vein for a few releases, and then eventually started doing soundtracks and scores for indie and short films...along the lines of "ennio morricone"s more modern compositions, but using electronic music as their medium.

If youre unsure about a lot of this, i dont blame you, its all a bit much to swallow...but i recommend getting mIRC or SoulSeek, and downloading some of the material from their releases to see what youd like.

or if youd like, you can instant message me and i can send you some files over that. i have AIM, yahoo and MSN.

and secondly, im glad you found mellotronen to be a good source. Stefan is an amazing guy, and very helpful and nice. If you are ever unsure about an album, drop him an email and he will give you a review, and be straight forward. Tell him Joseph (his best customer from the states) referred you.

Thank you for your time.
I can easily understand that those new sounds from a favourite band came very shocking to many fans. "Trip-hop" is certainly used as a swear-word in metal circles. I don't know if I would manage to remain open-minded if Opeth's new release would be similiar. But I'll definitely give "Paradise City" a good listen with such qualified recommendations. I'd be most grateful if you could send me your favourites. My msn is "eemu007@hotmail.com".
I've actually been trying a lot to get tracks by Bo Hansson to no avail. Also has anyone here heard the There Trails s/t release?
spigot said:
I've actually been trying a lot to get tracks by Bo Hansson to no avail. Also has anyone here heard the There Trails s/t release?

i have the bo hansson albums ripped onto my computer (as with all my albums actually)...so i could send you some if youd like.

and yes, i have "these trails" s/t album....great melancholy hawaiin native folk progressive rock. i can send you some of this too if youd like.

if you have AIM: instant message me at "Glory2thebrave"
if you have MSN: instant message me at Close2TheEdge2112@hotmail.com

talk to you soon i hope.
13 pages...christ, well I appreciate this thread. Most informative thread this forum's had let alone the entire Ultimate metal, good GOD. Even some camio appearances from Akerfeldt himself...TOO MANY BANDS to check out! haha

Thanks for all those progressive folk songs btw
i like into eternity....well, their newest album is good, i got dead or dreaming and it sounds almost like nu-metal to me :yuk: ...at least they're progressing in a positive direction
Dreadful said:
13 pages...christ, well I appreciate this thread. Most informative thread this forum's had let alone the entire Ultimate metal, good GOD. Even some camio appearances from Akerfeldt himself...TOO MANY BANDS to check out! haha

Thanks for all those progressive folk songs btw

no problem chris. were only halfway done too...haha...50 or so more songs to go. :p

apparently a new camel DVD has been released...featuring footage dating from 1973 up to the 90s. i havent received it yet...but apparently its the full shows from the footage clips used in the "curriculum vitae" dvd camel released a while back.

im most definitely going to purchase it regardless...but i was curious if anyone has it yet, and could tell me about the quality of the material, as well as any bonus features on it or anything of that nature?