Rate my tone Save my confidence


In Ruins
Jul 12, 2003
Alberta Canada
I have a show coming up and my former guitars said he hates the sound of my tone. I've put my whole life into my music and countless hours on production/engineering, so comments like that really get to me. No one else has really commented explicitly about my tone.

I love my sound. I worked hard on it. He has never worked hard on ANY music for as long as I've know him... Ugh!

What do you guys think?

(The live clip of us is very bad quality because it was taken with a digital camera)

His tone

My tone


Me Live (Through a Peavey 6505)

I'd take yours, all that gain and too much bass just makes it sound like he's playing out of Tupperware. Live, it may be a different story, as I can't make out anything from that clip, but as far as recorded sounds go yours wins.

He has never worked hard on ANY music for as long as I've know him...
It definitely shows :rolleyes:

Your sounds ok to me, though I'd use a little more mids :)

Ps. What's with the hi-hat in the first mp3 :loco:
Most guys that talk shit like that are insecure about their own abilities so they have to bring down someone else to make themselves feel better. Chances are, if you had the best tone on the planet this wanker wouldn't be complimentary.

Musicians are the most full of shit people you'll ever meet (especially the shite ones), so just play how you want to play and get on with it. Drummers are usually even worse :)

Tones are usually ultimately forgettable to me unless you're Zakk Wylde. If I don't like the song, I won't even take notice of the tones. However, having listened to the clips, his tone is overwhelmingly average at best and he sounds like THAT guy you hear trying out Crate amps in any guitar store you walk into. Yours has some body/balls to it so relax.....you won that pissing contest easily :)
I have to say the first one sound horrible (very solidstate) and the mix too ..
your sound is good...
Shadow_Walker said:
Ps. What's with the hi-hat in the first mp3 :loco:
*rofl* "insanesong1master" fits very good too ;)

ah and the youtube video... you need a second guitarist ;)
sparkyness said:
...he sounds like THAT guy you hear trying out Crate amps in any guitar store you walk into...

I know Crates aren't *that* popular around here, but if you know how to use them they can kick some serious ass - don't bring them down *that* low comparing them to his tone.

JBroll said:
I know Crates aren't *that* popular around here, but if you know how to use them they can kick some serious ass - don't bring them down *that* low comparing them to his tone.


This is true....but the key point as you said is "if you know how to use them....". I'm sure even the guy who designed those amps walks into his local guitar store and then walks straight out when he hears some muppet slaughtering Enter Sandman through one of his amps. :p
At the same time, you go to Sam Ash and the kid trying out the Krank or the Dual Rec instead will still sound like shit. Can't blame that on the amp, and when some kid is killing some alt-rock shit with the gain at 10 and a cheap Jackson heap I usually leave... after giving a demonstration in quality thrash, in hopes that someday he'll see the light.
