still doesn't mean it's related to classical.

If Britney Spears did one of her songs with a full orchestra, it would still be pop.
You might be mentally challenged, just sayin'. If your only criticism of Jesu is "slow and repetitive beat" and you keep blabbing about Rhapsody in every thread, even if it's not really relevant to do so...
You might be mentally challenged, just sayin'. If your only criticism of Jesu is "slow and repetitive beat" and you keep blabbing about Rhapsody in every thread, even if it's not really relevant to do so...

   /sloʊ/ Show Spelled [sloh] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, adverb, -er, -est, verb
moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
characterized by lack of speed: a slow pace.
taking or requiring a comparatively long time for completion: a slow meal; a slow trip.
requiring or taking a long time for growing, changing, or occurring; gradual: a plant of slow growth.
sluggish in nature, disposition, or function.
dull of perception or understanding; mentally dull: a slow child.
not prompt, readily disposed, or in haste (usually fol. by to or an infinitive): slow to anger; slow to take offense.
burning or heating with little speed or intensity, as a fire or an oven.
slack; not busy: The market was slow today.
having some quality that retards speed or causes movement, progress, work, etc., to be accomplished at less than the usual or expected rate of speed: a slow, careful worker; a slow road.
running at less than the proper rate of speed or registering less than the proper time, as a clock.
passing heavily or dragging, as time: It's been a slow afternoon.
not progressive; behind the times: a slow town.
dull, humdrum, uninteresting, or tedious: What a slow party!
Photography . requiring long exposure, as by having a small lens diameter or low film sensitivity: a slow lens or film.
(of the surface of a race track) sticky from a fairly recent rain and in the process of drying out.
in a slow manner; slowly: Drive slow.
–verb (used with object)
to make slow or slower (often fol. by up or down ).
to retard; reduce the advancement or progress of: His illness slowed him at school.
–verb (used without object)
to become slow or slower; slacken in speed (often fol. by up or down ).

   /rɪˈpɛtɪtɪv/ Show Spelled[ri-pet-i-tiv] Show IPA
pertaining to or characterized by repetition.
Use repetitive in a Sentence
See images of repetitive
Search repetitive on the Web
1830&#8211;40; < L repet&#299;t ( us ) (ptp. of repetere to repeat) + -ive

&#8212;Related forms
re·pet·i·tive·ly, adverb
re·pet·i·tive·ness, noun
non·re·pet·i·tive, adjective
non·re·pet·i·tive·ly, adverb
un·re·pet·i·tive, adjective
un·re·pet·i·tive·ly, adverb


Have you actually listened to the Jesu song, lad? If you had, you would see that both the definitions above are ideal to describe the beat in the song, unless you have your own weird kinda stoner definitions for "slow and "repetitive"? I never brought up Rhapsody at all in this thread, someone else brought it up as a means of goading me, read back and you'll see, I simply responded. By the way, nice attempted insult, can't get simpler and funnier than that, hahaha
Nah, dude, I was just busting your balls because the whole point of Jesu is to be slow and repetitive. It's like listening to black metal and criticizing that it's raw and tremolo-picked.
Nah, dude, I was just busting your balls because the whole point of Jesu is to be slow and repetitive. It's like listening to black metal and criticizing that it's raw and tremolo-picked.

Ok i see, so what exactly do you call that exceedingly repetitive and boring genre of music that I'll be sure to avoid in the future?
Fuck, Imprecation is crushing. 8/10 Actually reminds me a bit of Nile's earliest stuff... but I'll leave that alone.

This song is absolutely haunting me... I've had to listen to it ten times today.
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