Some poor lost soul doesn't seem to know the difference between laughing and crying (shame). What I said in the other thread is also perfectly relevant in this situation so here goes: When the best your opponent/s in a discussion can do is pull out the arbitrary "gay" or "kiddie" card, you know that either A) They've been been totalled outwitted in the arena of logical argument, OR B) They were never capable of much logical argument in the first place so simply try find refuge in brainless cheap shots instead.
So predictable...

Do you think you're being clever/witty or something?
Now, overproducing is bad and all but they could at least make the guitar not sound like static. 4/10

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If I was mad, I wouldn't be laughing :lol: My point is that if you're going to criticize a metal genre, at least do it in a logical, analytical manner rather than throwing around random accusations of homosexuality. o_O

You're one to talk about what's logical, throwing around that fallacious ad populum argument about SOAD and Static-X.

Though I think you established pretty well in that thread that you're a troll.
You're one to talk about what's logical, throwing around that fallacious ad populum argument about SOAD and Static-X.

Though I think you established pretty well in that thread that you're a troll.

If you think I'm a troll for talking about what bands I like and why I like them, you need to confront your own inner troll (like I said earlier), this from that other thread that you referred you, it's still most relevant here regarding the trolling part etc:

This is a thread about maligned metal sub-genres, and judging by most people's tastes around here S.O.A.D. would fit into this category. Although I do like many different kinds of genres of metal and bands, I also do like System Of A Down, and therefore I am discussing them in the appropriate thread here. The buffoonish accusations of "trolling" simply stem from your own small-minded bigotry towards the band in question because in your mind anyone who likes S.O.A.D. and proclaims so boldly must be a gay who should be subjected to slow torture, you've created your own little imaginary "troll under the bridge" through your mindless hate of the music. I also find your under-age fantasies quite disturbing....

Confront your inner bias and hatred and narrow-mindedness and find the troll within, my child. The finger you point should be turned inwards to face your own heart and then you shall attain trollish enlightenment :rolleyes:
Nocturnal, you're a troll, end of story. You can't comment in a thread without bitching.

Krux - Black Room 8/10:headbang:
I've never listened to them before. I've been missing out.

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