8/10 So soothing o_O
I can also appreciate it as a sax player.
2 bass players = win
0/10. Fairyland is gay and so is power metal in general aside from a few US bands.

Hahaha this from a guy who posted music by a band whose main ambition in life is obviously to fuck a goat up the ass and fantasize that it is actually the horny bogeyman called Satan, hilarious... :lol:
Hahaha this from a guy who posted music by a band whose main ambition in life is obviously to fuck a goat up the ass and fantasize that it is actually the horny bogeyman called Satan, hilarious... :lol:

u mad bro? don't be mad. I'm not mad when people dislike death metal, you shouldn't have a coronary when someone dislikes power metal.
Okay... Iron Man's latest album is my favorite by far though.

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u mad bro? don't be mad. I'm not mad when people dislike death metal, you shouldn't have a coronary when someone dislikes power metal.

If I was mad, I wouldn't be laughing :lol: My point is that if you're going to criticize a metal genre, at least do it in a logical, analytical manner rather than throwing around random accusations of homosexuality. o_O
Hahaha this from a guy who posted music by a band whose main ambition in life is obviously to fuck a goat up the ass and fantasize that it is actually the horny bogeyman called Satan, hilarious... :lol:

This is same like if somebody assumed that the only ambition of powermetal band-members is defeating dragons with crystal swords, but only you do this kind of assumption because you're a huge faggot.

If I was mad, I wouldn't be laughing :lol: My point is that if you're going to criticize a metal genre, at least do it in a logical, analytical manner rather than throwing around random accusations of homosexuality. o_O

Is that what you call it? :zzz:
This is same like if somebody assumed that the only ambition of powermetal band-members is defeating dragons with crystal swords,

Well since you mention it, I'm sure a lot of people in Power Metal bands and their fans would love to slay dragons with crystal swords if such a thing were actually possible (an act which isn't homosexual in any way at all), and it's certainly a lot more preferable than obsessing about rotting flesh or butt-sex with a man-goat hybrid bogeyman. ;)
If I was mad, I wouldn't be laughing :lol: My point is that if you're going to criticize a metal genre, at least do it in a logical, analytical manner rather than throwing around random accusations of homosexuality. o_O

How about you quit crying like a 12 year old girl whenever someone dislikes power metal? I think that'd be preferable, if you are at all capable of accepting such a fact (which you're likely not because you are - as Onder said - a huge faggot).
How about you quit crying like a 12 year old girl whenever someone dislikes power metal? I think that'd be preferable, if you are at all capable of accepting such a fact (which you're likely not because you are - as Onder said - a huge faggot).

Some poor lost soul doesn't seem to know the difference between laughing and crying (shame). What I said in the other thread is also perfectly relevant in this situation so here goes: When the best your opponent/s in a discussion can do is pull out the arbitrary "gay" or "kiddie" card, you know that either A) They've been been totalled outwitted in the arena of logical argument, OR B) They were never capable of much logical argument in the first place so simply try find refuge in brainless cheap shots instead.
So predictable...
Yowza, I'm gonna have to check that out, I've never heard it. Sweet heavy/powah metal.

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