Raw drumtracks for you to practice

Just used Reapers ReaGate on the snare and kick presets, then comp'd as you normally would, I don't quite remember exactly what I did with them lol.
Ok heres my 2 hour mix of the drums that Lasse put up!.
I must say that they are very nicely recorded!, good job Lasse! :kickass:
I didnt use any samples just the raw tracks, and its not mastered either.

LL Drums MortenDK mix
since I'm sick as fuck atm and can't work today I had the chance to check all the mixes on headphones.
I really dig some of them a lot.

also very cool to hear a drummix with no samples Morten. good job.

I think I'll be able upload all the tracks for one song soon
Hi, this was the first time I tried to mix live drums. It was alot of fun, but man is it hard to get the cymbals to sound somewhat in place.
Programming vst-drums has officially lost it's fun for me now, because there's this lack of challenge with all the samples so clean and polished,
straight out of some laboratory, rolled & baked few times in washing machines under the watch of hi-tech ears.

Would be cool to try the whole song, but thanks alot for this practising opportunity anyways, get well! :rock:

EDIT http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1147572/Lasse NuDrums (paksida).mp3

This link should work now :)
Thanks bibz! I think the mix came out pretty decent too. The snare could've had just a tad more snap in it, abit too dark and muddy now I think.
I was after more of a rock kinda sound than a tight and dry nu-metal set, anyways it was really fun, thanks to Lasse, cheers!
I'm just working on another song of this band (same kit and micing of course...just happen to have started with this one)

here's how the kit sounds atm:

raw drummix

I ended up augmenting the kick with slate 10 (about 40-50% I'd say).
I also added a z4 as snareverb

shitloads of compression, EQ on snare and toms, also a transient designer on snare.
I also have the roommics compressed and EQ'd to fuck in there.
And yes..it's WAY crackier than most sneapsters like it ;)

far from being finished...as soon as bass and guits come into play I'll probably have to change everything...but anyway, since everyone posted their stuff I thought I'd post a rough drummix as well.
I'll post the finished thing in the next days.