raw tracks of - Powerball, Krank, Recto, Peavey - for you to combine


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
k, here are some raw tracks of those amps (nothing on it, no HP/LP or anything).

this just makes clear one more time why I hate the E645 compressor so much...

this one was with gain on 10:00 in the lower channel....I hate the fucking transistorlike hollow "sucked-mids" sound it has...but judge yourself....

Powerball, Recto, Krank 5150

My favourites were the Recto and the 5150, I haven't tried mixing 'em yet though.

Krank sounds the best to me (is it Krankenstein or Rev?), but the 5150 & Recto are pretty close. The Engl sounds like crap to me compared to the others. A bit cold overall sound & honky low mids... not my cup of tea either...
I love these comparisons... I still have the Andy Tubescreamer demo, cab demo, as well as the Matt Smith cab shootout and I find myself going back to them often as references. I liked the 5150 then the Krank and then the Recto. The PB sounded like the tone you get when go direct from the back of your amp. Your Recto tone is a bit different than the one I usually go for. I like a bit more of that low mid roar but I know what you mean about having it sit properly in the mix. The only great recorded tone I've ever heard from a PB is on Hate Eternal- I, Monarch: 4 tracks of Powerball and 2 tracks of JCM 800. Thanks again.
The 5150, Recto and Krank sound very similar to me, with minor differences on raw-ness and where the mid notch is located. The 5150 sounded the best to my ears, tho, and then the Krank for metal and the Recto for modern rock.
i'd agree that the 5150/recto/krank were all pretty similar...and out of those, i preferred the krank myself. the powerball sounded nothing like the others, but i think it sounded pretty cool...i could see it sounding good blended with one of the others
This clip made me very curious on how the Krank handles lighter stuff. For metal it is obvious it rocks
I didn't like any of the clips, but as you said Lasse it's supposed to be heard in a mix context. I think i just don't like this kind of modern guitar tones.

(about the PB i wish my friend from the band Eyeless posted some samples here because he gets a badass tone out of it, and it sounds nothing like this PB sample you just posted (which sounded like transistor crap as you all said)).
Well, here's how my Powerball sounds like: http://koti.mbnet.fi/juhau/vortech-bleakexp.mp3

Wow, that straight up scared the shit out of me... not even a hint of subtlety!

I quite like the sound of those clips, but I'd like to hear some paired up (particulaely the Engl and 5150) and mixed to get a good idea of how they're supposed to sound. I reckon they'd sound real good.

Thanks for the clips!
Is the clip of the kranks on this now up on their homepage along with andy's krank clip? its attributed to a lasse lamert- which looks to be you from your homepage!