Raw tracks up for download, DrDoom intro.


Jul 13, 2005
Since the other thread wasn't new anymore and i since i uploaded stuff anyway..
Here are the raw tracks to the DrDoom intro i posted earlier.
D.i and everything, except for bass.. but thats a try out anyway.


I'm curious how you like the tracking! i will do the mixing myself i think but its still cool to see what you would make of it.
have fun with it!


haha nice, i put the 6 guitartracks in different maps so it was easier to see what was what, since you also have 3 mics per guitartrack + a D.i.

And if someone could upload to the FTP for me, that would be great because i simply can't for some reason.
Downloading the second file now, no problems except it's slow as hell.

Edit: Dude that so heavy! But it's missing the Left guitars labeled "Laney".

Edit2: why so many plugins? there's 7 + the Channel eq on the kick alone. do you need so many dynamics processors and that much eq?
i don't know man.. i don't realy notice what i do when doing a quick mix! but eq after compression useally sounds different then without.

But Is that guitar realy missing? i added every thing you needed for this song... i think..

Re uploading on Megaupload right know if that helps..
Downloading the second file now, no problems except it's slow as hell.

Edit: Dude that so heavy! But it's missing the Left guitars labeled "Laney".

Edit2: why so many plugins? there's 7 + the Channel eq on the kick alone. do you need so many dynamics processors and that much eq?

I don't see any real problem w/that if it's achieving the sound he was going for. Granted that your gain staging isn't all out of wack and your not pegging each plug; the sky's the limit!

I've got 40 something plug-ins going right now on this mix.