Ray_M and lover boy GGoose

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What a bunch of dick lovers you people are. No wonder no one comes here regularly. Oh yes, me and Goose have had everything to do with having you people banned from the Maiden BB. *yawn* Please, I really couldn`t give a rats ass what you people do on the internet. I kinda miss the old chat and watching some of you losers kiss each others ass. That was funny.
Whats the matter MRBEAST, no cock in your mouth so you need to say something? Do us all a favor and keep the dicks in your mouth so you can shut the fuck up already you semen slurping dirty douche. You`re a fat dirty homosexual and you`ll burn in hell for taking it in the ass and your mouth. Pretty fucking pathetic you`re such a loser that no woman on this planet would want you, even with all the fat ugly broads it has. You`ll always be a faggot. Women want men with big dicks, brains, money and success, to which you have none of those things. Still living on the streets? hahaha Get a fucking life already ULTIMATE LOSER.

And as for the moderator on this forum, you pretty much suck too. I don`t see where Goose or me started any shit on this board, but maybe you should look at the regulars here and clean this place up, because that is why no one gives a shit about this place. Too bad for you. The only "Ultimate" anything here is the faggots. Pretty pathetic for you to let these wankers post here, but no one really gives a shit anyway. So you guys can have your little faggot lovefest together. Sad bunch you are.
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