I got banned permanantly from the Maiden board

Jul 4, 2003
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It was probably cause I said the mods suck and that when nice people like "uncletrunx" become mods they turn into arrogant twats. I expect I'll dissapear from here soon too, Skunk has monopoly over everywhere. I still think the reason why class people such as myself get banned and "ray_m" don't is because ray_m is friends with Kelly who Skunk secretly wants to have a lesbian affair with.

By the way I am "todger" "thefabledbanana" etc
IainDuncanSmith said:
It was probably cause I said the mods suck and that when nice people like "uncletrunx" become mods they turn into arrogant twats. I expect I'll dissapear from here soon too, Skunk has monopoly over everywhere. I still think the reason why class people such as myself get banned and "ray_m" don't is because ray_m is friends with Kelly who Skunk secretly wants to have a lesbian affair with.

By the way I am "todger" "thefabledbanana" etc
we all know who you are Todger :loco:
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i am gone from over there as well...i was unholy Punishment/Unholy Messiah over there...lets face it, you are right! when nice guys get power they become assclowns...i need not go into detail because the way the board is run is a testimony of itself, so i shall shut up now.
IainDuncanSmith said:
I still think the reason why class people such as myself get banned and "ray_m" don't is because ray_m is friends with Kelly who Skunk secretly wants to have a lesbian affair with.

By the way I am "tosser" "theflacidbanana" etc
It`s not "class" that counts, but "style"!! :p Which you have none! Being friends with someone doesn`t constitute me having any privelages over anyone else. What it does constitute is that I was liked and you weren`t. I never pulled anyone`s leg on that board. I tell it the way I see it. No holds barred. No one had to agree with me on anything, but it seems they really did see it the way I saw it, meaning life in general. Most of you were a bunch of phonies and no lifers that you simply couldn`t be liked by anyone other than someone like yourself. I can thank you for helping me be amongst the top 10 in popularity on that old board, be it liked or disliked.
As for the lesbian thing, is it a bad thing?? I`d get right in the middle of it if my wife would let me!
That's it Ray, keep on rocking.

Ray_M said:
I'm such a dumbass that I think the war was still right. I wank when I hear how many Iraqis were killed and I'm still gonna vote for Bush even though I'll be one of only 10 to do so :) QUOTE]
IainDuncanSmith said:
That's it Ray, keep on rocking.

Ray_M said:
I'm such a dumbass that I think the war was still right. I wank when I hear how many Iraqis were killed and I'm still gonna vote for Bush even though I'll be one of only 10 to do so :) QUOTE]
you had to "edit" and this was all you came up with? Keep on wanking kiddie.:rolleyes: