RC March Madness - The Final Four (votes needed)

edit : not 1st but 3rD83dd!1!

Agalloch vs Burzum

Enslaved vs. Bathory
Agalloch is there you know..

Oh well , they are 58/10 , I guess that's what you were referring to :loco:
Demilich said:
as much as I love Agalloch, if they're going against Bathory in the final there's really no contest!

I agree 100%, but just like Maiden and Opeth, some folks in here will vote against Bathory just because. We'll see.

Agalloch vs Bathory....I'd be happy with either winning the thing. In fact, I'm fine with any of the remaining four winning.
I'm pretty new to Enslaved, but all I know is Below the Lights is totally kicking my dick in. I have an illegally downloaded copy of Vikingvkvcikler that I haven't listened to yet, but from what I understand it doesn't show their progressive side just yet, which is what really tickles my pickle concerning Below the Lights.

Attempt #2.