RC party-fest in NYC -- throwing some ideas out...

Welll we've been thinking of doing a "cd release" or a "pre-listening" party for our friends here locally, during which we'd play the next album from start to finish, and maybe throw a few extra tunes as well. We wanted to advertise it as just a party rather than a paying show because our friends react to it differently. Small cover charge, not too expensive a beer and you got yerselves a crowd.

If that was the idea though, we wouldnt be ready until probably some time later in the summer. I'm not sure what the time frame is for you guys.

so obviously you already know of places in NY that can rent a place a stage for reasonable fees? care to share with us? Pm me if you wish ...
Welll we've been thinking of doing a "cd release" or a "pre-listening" party for our friends here locally, during which we'd play the next album from start to finish, and maybe throw a few extra tunes as well. We wanted to advertise it as just a party rather than a paying show because our friends react to it differently. Small cover charge, not too expensive a beer and you got yerselves a crowd.

If that was the idea though, we wouldnt be ready until probably some time later in the summer. I'm not sure what the time frame is for you guys.

Well, it looks like we're leaning towards late Summer / Autumn timeframe as well. It probably makes sense to have all our plans coincide.

I dunno...I'm actually ok with any date -- Aug 25th is pretty cool because it's my son's birthday on the 23rd and mine on the 29th.

That said, NAD is saying he can make it anytime in October (with his woman) and I think we should cater to him since he is the prophet of RC. :loco:
i will make a banner in his honor.

October might be bad for the school bound though. there is a long weekend in October however ... Monday, October 8 is Columbus day ... no school, federal holiday.

Most joints its party night that Sunday ... so getting a place for Saturday the 6th might not be a biggie.

Saturday, October 6 ?!?!?!?!?! and you have 2 days to recover
there is a long weekend in October however ... Monday, October 8 is Columbus day ... no school, federal holiday.

Bullshit, I get one week off in November and that's it. Rutgers hates its students, so it doesn't give them any time off.
fuck yes. it'll take some planning though, i need to see if i can pull it off. would need to get another guitarist, a bass player, and vocalist. hmmmmmmm let me think on this.

erik and fotmbm should come here and help take care of this problem.

edit: could definitely have max and bozarth get in on this if the swedes can't come. i think we'd have our lineup right there if max wanted to play bass and will can certainly play guitar and do vocals at the same time.

don't forget to get airfare for your official bodhran player in your rider ;)