Re-tweaked the Recto (To stand, straight...)


Feb 20, 2005
AT THE LEFT HAND OV GOD!!!!!!! :heh:

After the feedback from everyone in the Recto vs. Stiletto cab thread, I re-tweaked the amp, lowering the nasally treble and raising the presence to compensate. I can't deny I was going a bit bonkers trying to settle on something, so I decided to just stop and bounce my last attempt, snap a pic of the settings, and upload a clip so you all can tear it apart! So check it folks! :) (and as I've mentioned in another thread, there are certain people for whom I very regularly leave feedback, yet they often don't return the favor - it's simple quid pro quo folks!)

At the Left Hand ov God.mp3
Here's a pic of the settings; I'm definitely gonna try experimenting with the Orange channel (and channel cloning) for different flavors!

feels like not enough attack on the low end - but i wouldn't be able to get within a million miles of what you have good job!
Sounds great dude! Not necessarily the exact sound I would go for but there's nothing about it I particularly dislike, sounds very thick and chunky!

EDIT: Although I do think I like your original BR tone from the other thread a tad more.
Thanks guys! Jarkko, thanks dude, and yeah, I think I over-compensated with the mids for fear of it being too scooped, but hey, that's why I'm glad I took a pic of the settings so I know where to start from next time! Adam, thanks man, I'm gonna have to wait a few days and listen to the both to see; maybe strike a balance in between the two, there's always more tweakage to be done! (and as you probably guessed, I used the BR speaker this time as well)
Hahaha, well I do think there are too much mids in there which make it feel a bit too fuzzy, so I'll back those out next time - but as for the fizz, I prefer to think of it as sizzle (fizz is Peavey's bag :heh: ), and it's a polarizing thing I suppose, but I love it!
as for the fizz, I prefer to think of it as sizzle (fizz is Peavey's bag :heh: )

sizzle and fizz are generally the same to me... sounds like low mid fizz to me... and to be honest, that fizz or sizzle, whatever you want to call it, is very reminiscent of what i dislike about line6 high gain...

it also sounds pretty boomy... like, ghetto-booty status...

...that is all...
sizzle and fizz are generally the same to me... sounds like low mid fizz to me... and to be honest, that fizz or sizzle, whatever you want to call it, is very reminiscent of what i dislike about line6 high gain...

it also sounds pretty boomy... like, ghetto-booty status...

...that is all...

Hey, fair enough, everyone's entitled to their own opinion! :)

Huge "honk" that buries all other instruments, but it's definitely a good amp.

Yeah, as mentioned I'll definitely take out some of the mids next time!

damn i love the lyrics of that song. Your tone was a smidge too fizzy for my taste, but i liked it.

AT THE LEFT HAND OV GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this song, SO much.

I think you did a great job with the tone. I think it sounds fairly balanced, and has a good amount of clarity for this type of thing, and I think with better sounding drums it would fit very well in the mix. It's better than I could do so I can't say much about it in a negative way.

It's not a bad tone, but it definitely has the Mesa oversized cab characteristics that I'm not a big fan of: loose and boomy in the low/low-mid area.

You know, the weird thing with the Mesa Oversized cabs is, IMO, they sound great with any other amp EXCEPT the Rectifiers. Rectifiers are already extremely boomy, low-mid heavy amps and I find that the Oversized cabs amplify this part of the spectrum too much. I find the Stiletto's sound great through the oversized cabs , and the Rectifiers sound best through normal sized cabs. Of course, this all my personal opinion.
Thanks again for the feedback guys! Like I said in the OP, I posted this not necessarily feeling it was the best I could do, but wanting to stop myself from tweaking endlessly! That said, I love the thundering roar and deep bark, and I feel like the difference between fizz and sizzle is both a frequency thing and the fact that I usually associate fizz with thin tones, and this is anything but! :D