Reading List Thread

'Unspeak' by Steven Poole, how words became weapons, how weapons became a message, and how that message becomes reality -

Book starts with the UK, Anti-Social Behavior Orders aka Asbos, its a laugh riot on a serious subject 'what is anti-social behavior according to the law'?
Just finished the Dark Tower series by S. King. I was surprised at how good it was, but then, I'm a fan of his writing.

So, I'm about to start the newest Wheel of Time book, that I found out existed a week and a half ago. I hear his writing has stopped sucking since he found out he's on a countdown timer. We'll see. We'll also see if I remember a goddamn thing/character from this damn series.

~kov. (tired and bored)
i finished reading "übermorgen" (probably the day after tomorrow in english) by allan folsom, and it was really dense and well written, but the last 100 or so pages beat the shit out of me. it was just so hilarious that it drowned the overall experience. i would recommend to read it, but when you think it can't get any more tense, throw away the book and let your own mind think of an ending. it will be better in any case. even if you are seriously retarded.
it has got nothing to do with the movie. it's about an american who randomly meets the assassin of his father in paris. one thing leads to another, and he finds himself trapped in an evil conspiracy with evil scientists, nazis (yeah you guessed it, since all evil scientists have to be german). really interesting and conceivable, until the last 100 pages come around. i won't spoil the ending though :)

for spoils, look here:

excerpt: [...the end] is so ridiculously omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient that the reader is left amazed at the ease of its anticlimactic collapse.
Well, never started"Sons and Lovers", maybe I will, someday... . Yet right now I'm reading this book called "The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul" (Does that title sound familiar to anyone...? I'm not sure, I think I've heard it somewhere hehe :rolleyes: ), by a lot of authors (too many to list).

I wonder if DT took the name from the book? Does anyone knows this? Master Rhavin? Maybe ye could ask Mikael or something?
So I started reading King's "Cell". Not necessarily his best work, but it sure as hell hits a nerve, especially when I own two cell phones. It's a pretty interesting comment on people nowadays, especially in crisis situations.

I am reading La Part de l'autre, from Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.
It's the story of the young Adolf Hitler, who applied to the Beaux-Arts Academy. In reality, he was not accepted to the academy and the author tries to imagine what would happen if he were accepted as a student at the Art Academy...
Really interesting ! :D
I go through the instructions for the project for a 100000007th time and can't get thru it.

I will be watching porn all day tomorrow, though.
KitKat said:
I am reading La Part de l'autre, from Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.
It's the story of the young Adolf Hitler, who applied to the Beaux-Arts Academy. In reality, he was not accepted to the academy and the author tries to imagine what would happen if he were accepted as a student at the Art Academy...
Really interesting ! :D

I read it a few months ago. Truly a great novel. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
im currently half way through Bono on Bono - Conversations with Michka Assayas
Based on transcriptions with Bono's (U2, just in case) had with the writer, Michka. I guess i like biographies and that sort of thing, getting into the mind of other people.
So far its a very good read, a few quotes i like out of it, and definately feels like you are looking into Bono's soul.
Plus i also read Australian Motorcycle News magazine on a fortnightly basis :)
About halfway done with Jordan's "Knife of Dreams". That's all I'll say about it for right now. Except that you're still dead, rahvin.

Also (not to completely derail this thread) but how funny would it be to see different forum members as characters in the book? (There's certainly enough fucking openings...)
