NR: Now Reading Thread:)

Yep, I actually read that it will be available in German from upcoming monday on (not that this was of any importance ;) )
I heard there are some "mistakes" in the book but I'm still interested in reading it also.
NR: "JGTHM. Juhr gait tu Hewi Mettäl. Heavy Metal: Bands, Fakten, Hintergründe. Eine ernsthafte Satire." by Till Burgwächter.

It's a satire upon Metal, luckily written by a Metal fan. Just got it yesterday and I already started reading. Entertaining :grin:
NR: Ian Irvine - The tale of the three worlds...

JFR (just finished reading): Ian Irvine - Veiw from the mirror...
Originally posted by Gaunerin
Now that I have finished with the book about Sweden....a biography about Astrid Lindgren is next :)

my fav. children book is her Rasmus .... luffen (fuck it, I don't speak Swedish, :grin: ). what else would you recommend me to read from her?

at the moment for me it's George Orwell's "Animal Farm", for the 2nd time. (after 12 years)
Originally posted by Tee
my fav. children book is her Rasmus .... luffen (fuck it, I don't speak Swedish, :grin: ). what else would you recommend me to read from her?
Rasmus på luffen :)
I haven't read that one but I remember I watched the film a couple of times. When I think about it, I did see a lot of Lindgren stories as films.
Apart from the Pippi books one of my favourites is "Ronja Rövardotter". I just watched the movie a few weeks back btw ;)
If you haven't read Ronja I'd recommend to pick it up next.

...oh, and of course welcome to the board.
Originally posted by Gaunerin
Rasmus på luffen :)
I haven't read that one but I remember I watched the film a couple of times. When I think about it, I did see a lot of Lindgren stories as films.
Apart from the Pippi books one of my favourites is "Ronja Rövardotter". I just watched the movie a few weeks back btw ;)
If you haven't read Ronja I'd recommend to pick it up next.

...oh, and of course welcome to the board.

thanks. :)
I'll try to find that. in the children literature section of my library. :grin:

I got Rasmus for my 9. b-day, and read it some ... 10 times. Pippi is cool (now you reminded me, I read it), but Rasmus rules.

Rövardotter, this last name has this like the Iceland's "dottir" ending? does it mean anything?
ah, great. my Swedish will improve now. LOL

what would be "dottir" then? if you know. like swed. "sson", just the normal ending, I guess...
I don't think "dottir" is a Swedish word but my knowledge is very limited. I'm about to start a Swedish language course at the end of january though. :D
As far as I know "-ir" isn't a typical Swedish ending.
Anyway....maybe the Swedes on this board can help you there...? (given they dare to have a look in a thread about reading ;) )
:o, LOL, sorry, I didn't check your "location".... (umm, there is this guy from Iceland, I don't remember his nick, I should ask him). thanks for the effort anyway. :grin:

(LOL for the last comment. )
Is it? Hehe... I'm not in a course, bassicly because our "Volkshochschule" does not offer it, just Norwegain and therefore I have to drive miles once a week to do it.
But on Swedish I try via books and tapes. Not very good to learn the language really...