
more metal, more booze!!!
haha anywhoo, im currently quantizing this piece i wrote for a project.

have done a very quick EQ on the drums (like 2 mins) haha no sample replacement at all, so just thought you guys would like to hear it! i havent mixed a real drum kit in a long while so its nice to do this again! id still class this as a raw project as i have yet to spend time on mix down etc or tracking!

its no where near finished, all guitars, bass and vox are scratch tracks!


Drum Mics:
(everything is straight into the C24 apart from those with the pres nest to em)

AKG 414s (OHs) >> Neve 1073
Calrec CM1001C (Hi Hat) >>Drawmer 1960
Samson C02 >> Drawmer 1960
Sennheiser 904's








Sounds pretty damn good man. Snare is very Bergstrand-ish. The kick there's something thats bothering me. It sticks out a bit much - too much compression on it maybe? The tone of it is good but for some reason its annoying me.

Btw, do you mind uploading like a 30sec multitrack of the drums? I'd just like to compare the raw files I'm getting to others'.. judging tone and bleed, etc. Even if its just high-ish quality mp3s, that'd be awesome.
I like the kick, but yeah, you'll have to play around with the click and the subs. I think the snare will be nice if you get rid of some 300-600hz. The cymbals are too quiet, IMO, apart from the hi-hat.
Great drum sound and everything. I would the bass less upfront and mid frequency based, because it changes the sound of the snare and thsi kind of bass is more suitable for rancid styled music. Thats my thoughts.
Hey Mark, sorry it took me a hot second to get to listening to this - first of all, it sounds like there's a lot of guitars in the center which makes everything feel kinda closed in and mono; I'd suggest spreading 'em out (what are there, two lead lines playing simultaneously in that intro?) Anyway, the drums of course are the focus, and they sound great dude! The kick is maybe a tad splatty (I usually like splatty kicks, but something about this one isn't quite doing it for me), could use a little more click I suppose (but as you say it's also a bit "subby"). The snare also has a bit too much high-mids that make it a bit annoying, and feels kinda boxy; I guess a big part is just the sound of the snare in the first place (in the room I mean), but still, some more high end snap would help. Are the guitars your Krank, btw? I dig 'em, they fit the punky vibe. Can't say the same for the music, and there are some tuning issues with those intro guitars, but what're ya gonna do, I know you didn't write it. :D One thing though, I really can't hear any cymbals at all, except for that one crash that comes in.

I'm super jealous of you being able to work in that type of spot dude! :bah:
cheers marcus.

i did write this actually, something different from me i know!! the guitars are out as its all scratch tracks!! and the vox are shit caus its me.

Im surprised about the level of the cymbals, as i can hear em fine on my monitors at home and the ns10s :-S deffo need more high end snap on the snare.

guitars are all the XXL!!!

and goin back to the original post, ive only spent 2 mins on the drums regarding mix wise!! seriously :)
Yeah man, for that stage it sounds great! And I guess it's really the vox that are a turnoff music-wise, but congrats on getting those tones with the XXL!
Yeah man, for that stage it sounds great! And I guess it's really the vox that are a turnoff music-wise, but congrats on getting those tones with the XXL!

shit loads of post processing though on the 3-4k and 6-8k ranges though on the gtr buss!!! a bump up at around 1.5k and the usualy HP and LP filters, i was actually using an impulse i made of my cab and ran the amp into the daw as i did them scratch tracks at 1am or summat