Reality, free will, soul, divine punishment, and other things

Welcome to the year of the goat, people! :)
Officially, the chinese new year hasn't started, still i feel this is going to effect us all.
Goats are known as creative, noble and very charming persons.
They are very aware of themselves and their appearances.
Lots of people who are around them, admire the goat and he has a lot of friends and the goat, knows that. He needs it, to feel whole.
Goats are shy, they need to feel protected, before they open up.
Once you have a goat as a friend, you will feel loved and you get the attention you need. But don't make the goat turn against you by hurting might never see the goat again!
(that's why i think it's wise to stay dedicated to what you are doing right now, cherish it and it will work out the right way. Don't get sloppy, because the opportunity will be within reach, but don't let it will never come back!)
Goats are delicate people, in critical situations they usually move to the background because they find it hard to make up there mind and are afraid to get hurt.
The romantic and friendly side of the goat, is HOPEFULLY going to effect us all, this year. They carry a very warm heart.
Even the most ice-cold-hearted people, will get to know their sensitive side!!! :hypno:
I started this year, with a wish...that i hoped that people finally started to respect each other and start to be nice to one another. When i saw, that this is the year of the goat...i was satisfied! I really believe this will become a very positive and heart-warming year!
The fact that i bring this up, is to add something to your post, LOM. I don't know if you noticed already, but even here on the board, where usually is a lot of non-sense, people are opening up and dare to share their feeling and emotions...i hope it'll stay this way!
Some one once told me (and something tells me, that person is a goat too, forgive me if i'm wrong ;) ) " People should hug each other more, nothing better then a good hug".
The goat has spoken!! :lol:
Ok, enough emotional babbling!
Some might think i'm totally nuts, but this is what i believe in, period!

xxx Iris xxx
Ah, storms. What do you think the world was like before humans entered it. I mean, yes, humans can be kind, sensitive, caring, loving, understanding, but we are the most evil and dangerous creature on earth. And we polute the earth and tear it down to build our buildings and cities. How green was the grass before man came into existance? Maybe it wasn't even green, maybe we turned it green with our greed. Maybe storms are a consequence of our hate and destructive nature. Nah, that's nonsense, right? Anyway, ah, the goat.
Storms are great!
During the summer, i often go outside to enjoy the view, when it storms. When lightning strikes, i can see it lighten up the city. (i live on the 15th floor..which is high in Holland ;) )
It rains very hard right now but i don't care, i love this kind of weather. Everything is better then frost and snow, for me.
Ok, this wasn't the forecast-thread, was it? ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Yeah, I hate the cold weather. Rain is cool. I don't see why so many people run and hide from it. It's soathing, calm, fresh, etc. I always associate snow and frost with evil, biting, hate, etc. Lightning is angry, hating, etc. Nature is so cool. :rock: on NATURE.
snow and hail gives me a headache, when it falls on my forehead and gently starts to melt...arrgghh!!!!
it's just too damn cold and that hail...ah!!! EVIL...i'm telling ya!!

xxx Iris xxx
Yeah, I hate hail. Luckily, we don't get much snow here. Maybe 2 inches once every 5 years or something. Although it snowed 2 years in a row once, although most of it wasn't snow, most of it was freezing fucking rain. What a freaking headache.
hmpf..three months from now and the sun will be shining again.
BUt...the first sight of a crocus, does it all!!
they are flowers with guts! It can still freeze outside and they start to grow already and just ban the cold out...hmm, i can't wait till it's spring again....

xxx Iris xxx
Flowers with guts? Interesting. Spring is the best season of all to me (Except for the pollen, it can rot in hell). Everything is alive again is Spring. Can't beat the feeling of stepping outside in the Spring and just smelling the fresh air (except for when the pollen is out), especially when it rains.
Warm stones that are being heaten up by the sun, after a rain-shower....THAT smell, it's just wonderfull!

xxx Iris xxx
How wonderful nature can be..Well, I am a big proposer of Space travel, when we will be able to travel between the stars (with big ships at 50 - 80 % Lightspeed), we could lower the population density on earth and therefore earth's life could regenerate...we also need highly developed, environment-protecting technologies and birth rights..then we all could enjoy this wonderfull blue planet. *dreams*
But back to real life....
@Iris: Cool, I somewhat like the chinese stuff :)

@LoM(back2topic): I like the fact we didn't argue yet. I am not a liker of a conflict-laden atmosphere..:)
As Hegel said: There is no way so right than your very own one.
(originally spoken in german: Es gibt keinen richtigen Weg ausser dem eigenen.)
Just thought that I would bump this to bring a little intelligence back to the board, so BUMP.
Oh and C-R, I guess this thread went down too quickly for me to read that post, so I will respond to it. Yes, I love space and would love to explore it, but really, you've seen what man has done to Earth and we will do the same or worse to space.
Yes, that is right, I am really afraid man would damage other worlds as well, but on the other side, until man will be able to explore space, he will either have learned getting along well with Mother Earth's Biosphere or will have died out.
And, why shouldn't WE help mankind getting all these necessarities up?
I didn't even see your reply C-R. "And, why shouldn't WE help mankind getting all these necessarities up?" Because mankind destroys everything we touch. It's in a human's nature to be destructive.
I know how to write in paragraphs, I just find it pointless on the internet. Plus, when I type things like in this thread, they are just a stream of consciousness.
So far, mankind seems to be more destructive than creative, but that may be founded in entropy, because of which destruction is easier than creation. But if mankind was ONLY destructive, we would not be able to have this conversation - we would roam through savannas, naked, bashing in each others skulls with wooden sticks, not able to talk neither to think.
I might be a helpless optimist, but if you really loathe mankind's destructive tendencies, you should do something against them, support creativity. (If you already do so - fine! :) )
I will try...
I just said we have a destructive nature, doesn't mean that everyone is destructive, just that we have a tendency to be that way. For one reason, it is because we can't agree to disagree and there are plenty of other reasons. But anyway, yeah, it is easier to be destructive than to be creative, and it is easier to be evil than it is to be good. And yes, I support creativity. I mean, that's the reason I listen to Metal and Nevermore. And I also fancy myself to be somewhat of a creative writer. Nice talking to you man. Sorry about missing those other two responses.
Can't think of anything right now. Maybe what's an opinion and what is not, but really that wouldn't take long to discuss, because everything is an opinion. You see, what I just said was an opinion. And it's an opinion that I think that what I said was an opinion.