Reality, free will, soul, divine punishment, and other things

Yeah, right..opinions are somewhat just labels, aren't they? So far, before we start somethiong mindfucking :grin:, we concentrate on what we know and so on..ah, dunno.
I think this thread is not needed anymore, so we can shut down it :)
P.S: It's my 18th Bday, in germany this means I am adult :)
Cool, happy birthday! Yeah, 18 means you're an adult, which really is just a label. An opinion. In fact, it's really just an opinion that you are 18, because human beings are the ones who came up with age, so it's probably not accepted everywhere in the universe. Of course, I wouldn't know if it was accepted everywhere in the universe or not, I'm just making a logical assumption.
An 18 earth-year old human and an 18 earth-year old alien will have lived for the same period of time. The alien might not use the earth-year system but he will be the same age as the human.
@LoM: Thanks :)

Yes, that is for sure - you can't expect other Planets orbiting their suns in the same amount of time like Earth does. If these planets have axial tilt, they will also have "seasons" and seasonly adapted lifecycles...It might be possible that other sentient species have "slower" or "faster" body development compared to Earth life, depending on their cycles.
If you are using "small" interstellar distances you might use a "standardized" (objective) time, but if you go to larger scales, you will have worlds moving in relation to their neighbours, usually with a big difference of speed, mabye even fractions of light speed - time dilatation!
And you have to know our ENTIRE GALAXY is moving at 90% light speed compared to others!
Lord of Metal said:
Wow, ten views and no one has responded yet. I would think that someone would either say "That was the dumbest thing I have ever heard lord" or "That was very observational lord" or "I didn't even bother to read what you wrote"

I thought it was this side of beautiful. I don't agree with everything you wrote, but I can totally appreciate your perceptions. Especially when so carefully laid out. Nice post!

I believe the soul is the pure essence of the human. Where your heart lies, where mind, feelings, and senses conjoin.

I'm late joining in on this, you know. Life, souls, divine intervention, etc. got in the way.
:lol: Yeah, just a little late. :lol: I would respond, but that little personality of mine that created this thread seems to be hiding in the background, along with the personality "Instead of saying god, say 'it or they' a million fucking times until it becomes the most annoying thing in the world."