Aaron Smith
Envisage Audio
One of my biggest ambitions of late has been to inject as much tight sub low into metal mixes without destroying the clarity. It's quite interesting.
I can relate to this. It's certainly tough to get that sub-low feel into a metal mix without it being too overpowering, but with patience and a keen ear, it's doable. For me it's been easiest to first get the kick nestled in with the right amount of low-end impact, and then it serves as a sort of reference for seating the bass guitar against (especially with a 100% sampled kick sound). This is where having your own "go-to" kick samples can be extremely helpful- if they represent the way you like your low end sitting in a metal mix, why struggle through the whole process every single time you do a new project? Just make slight tweaks as is appropriate for the given project, and get on with it