Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

EagleFlyFree said:
@perfect terror: post the one with the hat! that one uber alles :cool:

@Susie: and your who?? heh
anyways are we just stuck forever with that one where you're in your boyfriend's lap which we've all seen 157 times each? or are you actually going to start posting pics where we can actually see you :-P
you didnt have to look at it that many times :grin: but no i will send more now that i have a scanner :hotjump:
:lol: in a couple of days you'll start going to go to the official thread in finnish and saying things like "i wish i could speak finnish" or "hello finland" just like profanity
thats how *he* started you know
@NV: you wish, ha! i think i heard them calling, time to go back to rowing in the longship, beardie :-P

@Violet: hehe i knew someone would make that comparison... there goes my argument that you're not predictable :-D
ok, i didnt think the old picture thread was spam, so i think it would be ok to start a new one. Even though we have an official members page and everything, this is a place for errr... other unofficial pics. So, here go some I have from a friend's (:wave: @ manuel) visit to my city :)


