Really Official UM´s Member Pictures




holiday pics... Kaprun/ Austria
Taliesin said:
Snowboarding :) I doubt there will be any cheese fondue but I'll surely enjoy the Schoki :p
Hehe, excellent. I still can't decide what I enjoy more: skiing or snowboarding. But since I'm much better at skiing than at snowboarding (started skiing at the age of 3, snowboarding at 17 or sth), I guess I'm still enjoying it more. I hate the fact that I have to wait another year before I can race down the slopes again... :cry: winter = best time of the year :hotjump:
I cant ski at all and I learned snowboarding only 2 years ago.. but as I spent 30 days on the board since then, I can say Im quite advanced already :p
Somehow the winter is indeed the best time of the year, especially as my summer will be so damn boring :cry:
Waiting for the next time does suck, but somehow that's also what makes it such a unique experience.. dunno.. maybe it's silly but sometimes I think that's why Im so crazy about it ;)
snow2fall said:
@C11 H17 N2 O2 S Na: Yes, you can. ;) I downloaded "Suicide Notes..." and I really like it. Good stuff to listen to while skiing btw. :D A friend said their latest album is nowhere near as good, but I'll check it out anyway.
"The Curse" is a good one but I'd say that if their last one was a 10 then this one would be a 7 or 8. I still like it.