Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Taliesin said:

this a pretty recent one :)

Hells ya, keep growing that beard! I wish I could.
:erk: it is? i mean...IT IS! :kickass:

thanks alot. :rock: my beard is my pride and joy though. :)

when i cut my beard, it sounds like a hotdog being microwaved, you can hear little tiny screams as each hair is killed. but then it's like Fantasia, and they come back twice as strong! :heh:
Seraphim Belial said:
Here is a GRIM doom pic of me:
:kickass: beast.
you remind me of either Vratyas Vakyas or White Hunter or the Emperor, i can't decide which. kick ass pic though, bro.

man, i wish it would start snowing already. :erk:

Behind Space, croosh tats man. :kickass:
Hahaha thanks for the comments, my girlfriend actually made the cloak for me :kickass:
Also White Hunter KICKS ASS!

Behind Space, those tiger stripes are badass, how much did it all cost?