Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

I can't see this girl's pictures.
It's been a few pages since I posted another picture...who wants to see another one of my lame ass? :)
Originally posted by Thanatos
*raises hand* though an ass pic would be nice, I very much prefer to see your face :)

Sorry, I have no ass photos!!!!! :D
I'll look for another picture.

One of my favorites! I look cool! :lol:
Originally posted by Mischievous
@Tara: beauty grave.... where is that????
(and you looks cool... :D)

The place I work is right next to a graveyard so my friend and I decided to take silly pictures there on a break one day.
Originally posted by Hearse
So where is all the PICS!?
Come one people, you gotta have more pics? :D

1) I am slightly photogenic for a max of 5 minutes a day, otherwise pictures of me are interchangable with photos of random specimens from the animal kingdom. (as most of the pics on my computer happen to be like)

2) The digital camera never has batteries and the scanner is the weak competitor amongst another half dozen things that use a USB port.

3) Got a webcam, but it's too low res, so forget it. =)

4) Won't pay for anything internet related

5) Don't know how to use anything else that's internet related

Der4 :- You ain't gonna see any pics of me!

(6) ) I'm a guy, so you wouldn't want to anyway! :p
The hosting site was down yesterday but now it seems to be working..

Thanks for the comments :oops: :oops:

@Wandrail: I was just trying to those sun glasses....:lol:
@ Zeanra: Wow, your fans are zealous! :lol: I must concur, you looked plenty cool. :D If I did it, I would be called a pretentious asshole :D and rightfully so! So you get away with, no one burn me at the stake...