Really Official UM´s Member Pictures


In a grave yard over looking Florence.


Pope clothes for sale.


Hail Caesar!

Had to include another post as there seems to be a limit as to how many photographs I can post at once.
meh i want to travel now... i hate being a student. Being always broke is no fun.

Sao: wow, nice hair... i wish mine were as long as yours!
sao: did it rain while you were there?
If no, you missed some fun :heh:

I remember that when i went to Firenze with my school, at one point, it started to rain really bad, and some guys that sells cheap things came to us . They wanted to sell us some bad quality umbrellas
" 5 euros for an umbrella...."
"uhm, i dont want one"
they try for like 10 min to sell you the thing and then, as no one wants one, they are like " only 1 eurowho wants an umbrella"
For one euro, as i had no hood on my jacket, i bought one.

I tried to use it at home 2 weeks later, and with thelight wind there was, it broke ....

Much like New Delhi's Palka Bazaar. They'll come down from 900 to 75 in merely 10 seconds if you start walking away. :lol:

s_a_o: awesome stuff.

Much like New Delhi's Palka Bazaar. They'll come down from 900 to 75 in merely 10 seconds if you start walking away. :lol:

i have never been to India, but i went to Tunisia...
the "souk" is an awfull place. Sometimes it takes you up to 20min to get rid of some merchand... they take you by the hand to go to their store, try to sell you 15 things at the same time, and even say that you can pay in euros instead of dinars (but of course, if the price is 20dinars, they will take 20 euros...)
And everytime you really want something, you always have to bargain a lot because they always try to fool you... anyway, i bet that even when you think you got a deal, you are still fooled ...
Sometimes you really have to buy something to get some peace :mad:

In some town, there was a store with posters saying "no bargain here" (this has toi be the only one in the whole country)... we stayed the whole freetime we had in there in order to have some peace :p

Otherwise, i saw some great places over there... but choosing this destination for our senior class trip wasnt a good idea... it was all about the touristics places/attarctions. Not what i prefer when i travel.
I liked the trip i made to Italy the previous year (aslo with school) a lot better.