Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Id say 250 are fairly standard, or maybe 320. I have only 260 in total and it's largely sufficient. Combined with a dvd writer, I dont need any more :P
Either way, Id always go for quality HD's, Samsung has been my favourite brand for years now. They're not as big as others, because they rely on reliant technology, like they dont cram as many platters as physically possible, like Hitachi do. The result is a silent, cool and very reliant hard-drive. Id rather have half the space and never see it go up in smoke tbh..
^indeed, nowadays you can get 320 GB for let's say 100 euros. I dunno about american producers of HDs but here in Belgiium Western Digital is pretty good altough they get real hot cuz their coolant system sucks and it's all metallic. I myself have a Lacie which is pretty good. Most expensive but the best is Maxtor

tooled likes!!!

summer 07

^ those are cool. You should get the pure white or pure black ones. Those look super evil.

@ Mario: My external HD is Maxtor and I;m pretty happy with it. HP, Dell, and Apple are popular here in the states.

@ Ozz: sweet shirt.

The shore of Lima, its awesome, there are these huge cliffs that pretty much go right down to the beach.
^ dude, how does that NOT avalanche onto that road. It looks really unstable.

Edit: F&F; You live in MD, have you ever gone through 'Sidling Hill' out in Western MD? That's wild to drive through.
For everybody else...
^i like all your pictures *acts like fangirl and pushes you towards closet* :lol:

chris, why would they put a road there? it's wrong... wroooooooong

sequirablahblah: like teeth? eww :erk: i'd like to have green eyes, those look kool :). but i already wear lenses to enhance my vision and therefore i don't want to mess my eyes up even more.
^ dude, how does that NOT avalanche onto that road. It looks really unstable.

Edit: F&F; You live in MD, have you ever gone through 'Sidling Hill' out in Western MD? That's wild to drive through.
For everybody else...

Yeah I think I've been through there.