Really Official UM´s Member Pictures can't believe that. How can you in a car or sit on an airplane?:tickled: You're making Art Garfunkel very envious, indeed.
You're my hero, Spike. Judging by how many girls like guys with long hair, I'd estimate you're getting laid every...1.5 seconds.

However, I've had that much hair on my nuts. It's awful. You shave once, and forget to do it again for a week, then *poof*-Carrot Top action. But it's alllll Sinead O'Connor action now. That's right, ladies.
Demonic Rapture said:
However, I've had that much hair on my nuts. It's awful. You shave once, and forget to do it again for a week, then *poof*-Carrot Top action. But it's alllll Sinead O'Connor action now. That's right, ladies.

:loco: LOL HAHAHAHAHA its funny cause its true hahahahaha
hye, thanks everyone!

@Hearse: i dont have any more pictures, and no, i wont take pictures for that.. i'm musician not a model.. lol :p
no.. this picture taken in some party so now i have picture... so i took her and made her like that because i like it...
and the sucks resolution made so you can see something better then you could if i wouldn't do this 1x2 resolution

now take your clothes off lol :p (j/k)