Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

I wasthinking more of.....


*Slaps-self... but in a slightly different context* :eek:


Am I allowed to be so incredibly envious of Manny right now that it defies all possible description? :cry:
Mexico is stinky and hot and stuff! :erk:

(Then again, Cairns can be like that too on the odd occasion :oops: )

You could get lost in Australia on your way over to Me-hi-co!!! ;)

I'll hijack your flight during the stop over if necessary!! :D

*Goes shopping for cardboard knife! :rolleyes: *
Hearse said:
My pleasure, people usually get amused when I get naked :Smug:

You mean you haven't noticed yet?

D00d, that's actually a nervous laughter you're hearing.

It's like:

"D00d.... put your clothes back on, like, dood.

I mean... hehe :erk: it's like... funny.... man, we get it.... just... put you clothes back on man, like...NOW!!!" :erk:

Spike :Smug:
And it wasn't even Photoshopped. :erk:

[edit]Speaking of which...


:lol: Gotta love Thanny. ;) If only I could get my perm to look like that in real life. :/ [/edit]
FLechdrop said:
Imagine: it is night, you decide to take a walk in the forest. You hear some weird noises and stuff, you get a bit frightened and start looking around in fear

Then all of a sudden with a loud growl THIS appears in front of you:


That's me

Oh and I can look like a frightened monkey too:




You ever heard of toothpaste? It's really a marvelous, hygienic necessity. You should try it.
Ja oliko se sitten hyvä vai huono juttu? :tickled:
Juominen loppuu heti jos noin kauniita neitoja niillä konstein saisi..
Vai vaaditaanko kenties enemmän hikotttelua? :D