Really simple (but not for me) wiring tutorial requested!


Feb 20, 2005
Well I'll preface this with a disclaimer - I consider myself decent at soldering, and have made a few speaker/XLR/TRS cables in the past, and I'd like to think I have a pretty firm grasp of signal flow in a studio environment. That said, guitar wiring COMPLETELY mystifies me (mostly because of the quantity of wires, though also because I don't know what the signal path is), so if any of you guys could give me a tutorial as to how to wire the cavity below, I would really appreciate it! Here's the pic:


All I want connected is the two Duncan humbuckers (JB Jr. & Custom 5), the black ground coming from the top of the cavity, one volume pot (the one on the left), one three way toggle, and the mono output jack - the other pot is just there to fill the hole in the guitar body, and I don't want any coil tapping or any of that nonsense. Help?
Also, are those 4 individul terminals on the top of the toggle switch? Cuz each two seem to be really close to one another...
Nevermind, I underestimated the resources available on the Seymour Duncan website - unless anyone sees anything blatantly wrong with this diagram, I'm gonna follow it and see what happens!
One question - you'll notice in that wiring diagram I linked to that it looks like the third terminal on the volume pot is folded over and soldered to the back of the pot. Is this necessary, or can I just leave it hanging with nothing connected to it?
Well I couldn't get it to work, so I brought it in to my local tech who said the volume pot was shot (thus preserving my fragile self esteem in my ability to follow wiring diagrams), but while watching him solder, I noticed that when he soldered the middle terminal of the toggle to the back of the pot (as the diagram shows), there was no signal, but when he soldered the middle to the same terminal on the volume pot the output wire on the toggle was going to, it worked.

This is in direct contradiction to the Duncan wiring diagram above; anyone know which is right? If the Duncan one should work, maybe he changed something else that somehow necessitated soldering both the middle and output terminals of the switch to the first terminal on the volume pot, as it is now. I ask because the guitar works but the level seems a bit low; maybe it's just cuz I've only played EMG's for the past, oh, 3 years, but I just wanna be sure.