
Dec 19, 2006
Santiago de Compostela
Hello!! We want make a new record and we are searching best ways to do It.
We want recording the guitar in the home studio.
Here my question, we can recording with good quality the DI tracks with toneport for guitar and bass to reamp later in studio? Is better recording this DI tracks with the Presonus Fp 10 or it is the same?
I think with the tone port, since you will be able to monitor directly from the unit with the amp modeling on, that will be your best bet. If you use the Firepod, you will need to use one of the many types of amp plugins and what not to monitor an amp tone, and that will give you a slight latency which may or may not affect your playing.

The general DI track should be fairly equal between the two. But once again, if it were up to me, I'd use the toneport.
if you use a d.i. box, connect to thru of it to the toneport and just monitor thru that, i wouldn't record thru the toneport, a good d.I. box gives you a much better clean track.
also, in the preparing your tracks for reamping thread, someone mentions that there is less signal loss when the signal is converted from instrument to line with the firepods instrument inputs. can`t remember why. something to do with some complex math formulas lolz