Reamp request-Death metal


Apr 17, 2009
Hello everyone,i've recently got into a studio and reamped guitars but 1 speaker from the cabinet was faulty,so this is damaging the result alot!
im now looking for someone to reamp the guitars for my brutal death metal band here's some more info:
1)im looking for someone with a peavey 6505/5150
2)i prefer one sm57(dont wont to bother you alot with phase problems,sm57 always works).something like the andy settings will work.
3)there are 2 rythm guitars and a few extras on some palm mutes
4)there are 2 songs and they last together 5 minutes!so it will not take you a lot
5)the guitars are perfectly edited
6)the music is really fast,like 280bpm and 255.
Gear used:
presonus firestudio
Radial JDI duplex(passive DI box)
Seymour duncan blackouts(Active pickups)
let me know and thanks a lot