
Sep 16, 2004
What's Reamp? a couple of posts mention it. I suspect it has to do with amp modeling.

Off topic of my post, but how much dose this stuff cost? Ths sound replacer used on kick drums, amp modelers. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna buy a pro-tools setup. let alone plugins.

Reamping is a technique used in studios, to fiddle with different amps without having to rerecord the same stuff again and again if by the end you find yourself unsatisfied with the sonic result of your guitars. Instead of micing the sound of your guitar plugged on an amp, you record the signal directly to tape/harddisk and then with a reamp gadget you feed that signal to an amp or use an amp simulator plugin and then adjust settings up to your standards. In case you feed it to an amp, then it's the normal recording, except that this time you ain't gona be playing it. :)
Where She Wept said:
What's Reamp? a couple of posts mention it. I suspect it has to do with amp modeling.

Off topic of my post, but how much dose this stuff cost? Ths sound replacer used on kick drums, amp modelers. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna buy a pro-tools setup. let alone plugins.

My Pod XT Pro has re-amp i/o on it's backplate. I use it when thickening stuff up. It's like having a Vetta, without the Vetta price tag. You can't use it live, it's for studio work, multi-tracks of the same guitar performance thru different amp settings.
Sound replacer is best known for 'kicks' work. Isolate your kick drum(s) when tracking, then come back with Sound Replacer...find three kick samples you like...example(hard kick, harder kick medium hard kick) load them in Sound Replacer. Grab the kick region...hit process! It's that easy. There's a few more things you need to know about Sound Replacer, but I aint getting that deep now.
You can get a MBox for around $400.00 U.S.D. Also Pro Tools LE on Mac is not as strong as Pro Tools LE on PC. When I say strong I get better plug-in count with PC than Mac. And plug-ins are a must! If your running an "LE" system and aint using an HD system, it's because you can't afford one. And most likely if you can't afford an HD system you can't afford the 'real' hardware processing units(the LA2A's... the Neve EQs'...the GML 8200's..ect.). get plug-ins!!! :grin:

There's more than just Pro Tools out there. If you plan on recording clients and or taking your sessions to Big time studio to re-mix, then probably yeah a Pro Tools system is best for you. If your going to do just your own stuff and finalize(master) your own stuff, there's alot of systems out there. And most of them BLOW Pro Tools "LE" away. I know, and I'm a "Mac" PTLE user. :loco:
Good Luck man
Kenny Lee said:
Also Pro Tools LE on Mac is not as strong as Pro Tools LE on PC. When I say strong I get better plug-in count with PC than Mac.

this statement is like saying Chevys are Faster than Dodges. it may be true in some cases, like if you compare a late model Chevy Corvette to a 1979 Dodge Omni, but what if you compare a Chevy Cavalier to a Dodge Viper, eh?

blanket statements like yours are useless for any practical purpose... and frankly i have used PT LE on both PC's and Macs and in my experience even with processor speeds and amount of RAM the same or very similar (e.g. comparing the Corvette to the Viper) i have had much higher plug-in counts on Macs.
well you know, the problem here is that a lot of young people who want to learn to make records with DAWs read this forum.... as a working engineer who contributes to this forum i feel something like a duty, for lack of a better word, to not let posts like Kenny's go without rebuttal... yes, the mac vs pc debate is old news to us forum regulars but there are new readers here all the time, most looking for some kind of guidance. So, if incorrect statements are not refuted on this forum, each and every time they pop up, then some newbie reading this forum may take them as gospel.. sorry old-timers, but that's not the way it should be.

ps... some pics of my NAMM exploits and spoils will be posted in a new thread soon!
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Thats ok, just stop listening to that awful DEP album! :p
thanks hop, once again your deeply insightful thoughts on the matters at hand have proven inspirational. i can't thank you enough for the helpful, generous manner in which you share your perspectives on the relevant issues and questions that are posed on this forum. you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

... and a pratt!!

lol... j/k hop :p
yes.. it is a preference some people prefer to torture themselves with the ins and outs of driver compatabilities and MS DOS and some prefer to get work done.. so i totally see your point
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Hmm, now lets see... this pc has been up and running for ohhhh a year and half with no problems... hmmm...

2 and half here on this mac, so who's counting? the question was plug-in counts.. not down time... that's another issue altogether, but an important one that my Macs have come out on top of compared to my PC as well. :cool:

p.s. keep up the practice on the arpeggios hop.. looking forward to hearing the CD you sent me! :rock:
Is that Dillenger album the one Steve Evetts did??? I saw one of their videos the otherday I thought it was great, what label are the on?, I'm going blagging!

p.s. Keep up the practice on those arpeggios James!
Andy Sneap said:
Is that Dillenger album the one Steve Evetts did??? I saw one of their videos the otherday I thought it was great, what label are the on?, I'm going blagging! p.s. Keep up the practice on those arpeggios James!

lol.. heh heh, hop and i were talking through aim while we were posting and he mentioned to me during the conversation that he had just taught himself to sweep pick arpeggios just within the last week... but yeah, Steve Evetts did the DEP album we were discussing, Miss Machine.. and dill was dead on as well; Relapse are fairly tight with the swag. but i'm sure you won't have any problems. the album is great by the way :grin:
If you can't blag it, do what I did on my birthday last weekend, go and buy the digipak with the bonus DVD - it's got some footage of live Dillinger performances, some daft in-the-studio stuff while they were making Miss Machine, and other bits and pieces. I bought that, Under The Running Board and Irony Is A Dead Scene on the same day, thus completing my Dillinger collection. :)
James Murphy said:
this statement is like saying Chevys are Faster than Dodges. it may be true in some cases, like if you compare a late model Chevy Corvette to a 1979 Dodge Omni, but what if you compare a Chevy Cavalier to a Dodge Viper, eh?

blanket statements like yours are useless for any practical purpose... and frankly i have used PT LE on both PC's and Macs and in my experience even with processor speeds and amount of RAM the same or very similar (e.g. comparing the Corvette to the Viper) i have had much higher plug-in counts on Macs.

Huh? Well James. I know for a FACT plug-in counts on PC's in PTLE BLOW AWAY Macs. I didn't come here to argue or to look like a fool. There's Laptop Centrinos's that SMOKE G5 dualies for breakfast when it comes to plug-in counts. You say my staement is incorrect?, go start a "My Mac can run more plug-ins" thread at the DUC on the PC side and they'll laugh at you!
Did you actually READ this line-
""When I say strong I get better plug-in count with PC than Mac.""
The PC guys at the DUC are always bragging about how many plug-ins they can run. And frankly I don't give a fuck! The original poster asked about re-amping and a pro tools rig with plug-ins. I've used PTLE on both platforms too. That's why I'm now a Mac guy. But as of right now, the truth hurts and YES PC's blow away Macs when it comes to plug-in counts using Pro Tools LE.
I've built PTLE systems on both Mac and PC, so YES I DO know what I'm talking about. I've had nothing but total respect for you James. Had!

And to the original poster and Andy; sorry for going so off topic.