Huh? Well James. I know for a FACT plug-in counts on PC's in PTLE BLOW AWAY Macs. I didn't come here to argue or to look like a fool. There's Laptop Centrinos's that SMOKE G5 dualies for breakfast when it comes to plug-in counts. You say my staement is incorrect?, go start a "My Mac can run more plug-ins" thread at the DUC on the PC side and they'll laugh at you!
Did you actually READ this line-
""When I say strong I get better plug-in count with PC than Mac.""
The PC guys at the DUC are always bragging about how many plug-ins they can run. And frankly I don't give a fuck! The original poster asked about re-amping and a pro tools rig with plug-ins. I've used PTLE on both platforms too. That's why I'm now a Mac guy. But as of right now, the truth hurts and YES PC's blow away Macs when it comes to plug-in counts using Pro Tools LE.
I've built PTLE systems on both Mac and PC, so YES I DO know what I'm talking about. I've had nothing but total respect for you James. Had!
And to the original poster and Andy; sorry for going so off topic.