
Kenny Lee said:
Huh? Well James. I know for a FACT plug-in counts on PC's in PTLE BLOW AWAY Macs. I didn't come here to argue or to look like a fool. There's Laptop Centrinos's that SMOKE G5 dualies for breakfast when it comes to plug-in counts. You say my staement is incorrect?, go start a "My Mac can run more plug-ins" thread at the DUC on the PC side and they'll laugh at you!
Did you actually READ this line-
""When I say strong I get better plug-in count with PC than Mac.""
The PC guys at the DUC are always bragging about how many plug-ins they can run. And frankly I don't give a fuck! The original poster asked about re-amping and a pro tools rig with plug-ins. I've used PTLE on both platforms too. That's why I'm now a Mac guy. But as of right now, the truth hurts and YES PC's blow away Macs when it comes to plug-in counts using Pro Tools LE.
I've built PTLE systems on both Mac and PC, so YES I DO know what I'm talking about. I've had nothing but total respect for you James. Had!

And to the original poster and Andy; sorry for going so off topic.
... and relax Kenny. i wasn't attacking you. you are reacting as though i dishonored your sister... i didn't come here to fight or have people lose repect for me.. i came here to help out by offering what knowledge my experience has afforded me. and i stand by my comments.. i have both sexes of PTLE running here at home right now, i just move the Mbox from one comp to the other, and the only factor that i find that has much effect on my plug-in count on either system is RAM.. given similar processor power of course.... and that has always been at the crux of my postition: similar processor power. no one is trying to make anyone "look like a fool" either, just take care you don't do a bang up job of it on your own by reacting so harshly to being contradicted.. this is a public forum and you will be contradicted by at least one person damn near every time you post an opinion. my apologies if you took any of my words harshly they weren't intended that way... but i also know what i'm talking about;i use both platforms every day. debate is a good thing, but letting it make you lose repect for anyone that you previously had it for is taking it too far. peace Kenny... i still respect you .
Well, yes forums all full of opinions. Everyone has one. But when you James said this towards me----
blanket statements like yours are useless for any practical purpose----
Well, expect some verbal razors. And I know you've been in way more studios than I ever have, and I do know what I'm talking about when it's a P.T.L.E. thing. I said I had TOTAL respect for ya, didn't lose respect for you, just don't have the TOTAL respect I had.
Witchfinder general. I use a PC for surfing. No, I'm not clinically sane. And Acid is thee last thing I need :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Lets move on.
Kenny Lee said:
Well, yes forums all full of opinions. Everyone has one. But when you James said this towards me----
blanket statements like yours are useless for any practical purpose----
Well, expect some verbal razors. And I know you've been in way more studios than I ever have, and I do know what I'm talking about when it's a P.T.L.E. thing. I said I had TOTAL respect for ya, didn't lose respect for you, just don't have the TOTAL respect I had.
Witchfinder general. I use a PC for surfing. No, I'm not clinically sane. And Acid is thee last thing I need :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Lets move on.

ah well, it's all in the tone you choose to read it in, isn't it? i supoose i could have worded that better....nicer... and i'm sorry now, reading it again, that i didn't take more care in wording that statement.. but i stand by the intent; you gave no benchmarks whatsoever to gauge your claims against, e.g. processor speeds, amount and type of RAM, etc, etc, in each machine. that left your statements withought any substance... and that's useless for any kind of practical comparison that could help anyone determine what kind of machine they should get for a PTLE system. you see what i mean?

"verbal razors" were uncalled for, i was not being malicious.
Wel,l I will say that I did look into that Radial JD7 D.I./reamp device that James mentioned some months ago in a separate reamp thread....and after seeing that it did exactly what I wanted, I picked one up.

...and that thing is bad to the bone!!

Thanks James!!

now if you only used a real computer.... :grin: :rock: :grin:
daemon097 said:
Wel,l I will say that I did look into that Radial JD7 D.I./reamp device that James mentioned some months ago in a separate reamp thread....and after seeing that it did exactly what I wanted, I picked one up....and that thing is bad to the bone!!Thanks James!!now if you only used a real computer.... :grin: :rock: :grin:
congrats!!, you now have yourself one killer Class A Direct Box! glad you like it... and i do have a "real computer", and i'm assuming you mean PC here,... but i prefer to use my toy one, my mac... because even though the PC has dual processors that are supposedly faster than my macs's, and the same amount of ram, i am somehow magically able to run more simultaneous tracks and plug-ins with less freezes and crashes on the the Fisher Price, er.. Mac computer.... i'm just not sophisticated enough to play with the big boys in the PC realm, so i'll stick to playing with my toys :Smug:.... hey Fredrick, Andy, Neal, meet you guys on the playground! :grin:

you should look into the JD7 now.. it's an awesome tool!
wow, I was shocked to see so many replies. After reading the first post I remembered seeing someting about a reamp box on the board when i first joined. but with all the talk about plugins and automation, i had a brain fart and forgot.

I've messed with the concept on my ADAT. i plugged the kick trigger directly into the channel input, and during mix i just turned that channel down and connected the aux1 send into the trigger input on a DM5. i tried it on the snare too, but made the mistake of compressing that one. every 1 snare hit triggered about 10 hits!

Thanks for the debate too. It seemed like some people were offended, but it was cool for me to see so many different opinions on the mac vs. pc. I use my PC for doing my band's artwork, cd's, and demos. I mix down from my ADAT to the pc, then master with sound forge, and burn to disc. I've dabbled with Pro-tools free, and after a few minutes my computer would just freak out. I'm not sure if 256megs is enough memory, but while working on a project i have to close and restart the program every 10 min or so because my audio distorts. ( i am using a generic sound card cuz i'm a beginner ). Not to mention the first studio i ever recoded at used ADAT's and then dumped thru litepipe into some sort of pro-tools'-esque software. I can't remember the name but the company was in Germany. It kept losing synch during transfer so the tom fills on the drums were off by a few measures, then some of my guitar tracks dissapeared. No to mention their PC kept freezing and they had to reboot it constantly ( and my band paid for that time!). If i had my choice i would use a Mac. But i already have a PC and my plan is to get the Firepod from PreSonus. it comes bundled with Cubase LE, so that will probably be my first real experience with hard disk recording. till then i'll keep dabbling with whatever i can get my hands on.
