reamping shootout: EVH 5150 III vs. Marshall JVM 210H


Jul 27, 2005
hey guys,

currently i have a 5153 floating around here that i borrowed from a friend of mine, so i decided to do a little reamping shootout.

just hp/lp on the jvm (60hz/12k), the 5153 also has 2 slight cuts at 120hz, 450hz, and a minor boost around 1,5k too.
evh on channel 3, marshall on OD2 orange. straight in, no boost, single sm57 positioned using the pink noise method (thanks for that btw, works great!)

most notable is the difference in output volume btw. jvm was set with channel and master volumes at noon - which is loud - whereas the 5153 had the same output level at a mere 1,2 o.O absolutely overkill if you ask me.

the file is just addictive drums + 2 guitars. it's a rough songwriting demo of one of my newer songs, so excuse the dodgy playing.

the amps always change mid-riff. test 5153 vs jvm.mp3

still looking for the perfect amp for that style btw.....
Listening on my laptop right now so I cannot judge anything but the song sounds really really good. There's def some Keep Of Kalessin in there.