Reaper : moving regions and markers ?


Oct 30, 2010
This is one of my only disapointments with Reaper. After what, 3 years, I still don't know how to do this easily.

I want to take this and move it to the begining (bar 1) with a simple drag and drop... tell me it's possible ! Furthermore, see how the first marker isn't aligned. It WAS just before I deleted the other markers before that one. Is it possible to "embbed" it inside the region so that it won't be affected by the deletion of markers before it ?

And last, deleting the markers and regions is a pain when you have to click+delete them 1 by 1. Is there a way to "click the first one, hold shift, click the last one and delete" lol?

thanks and i'm probably not the only one in this boat haha

I get super frustrated by this. I was recently trying to copy/paste midi and audio from one part of a song to another and Reaper kept creating a time sig for no reason, then when I would delete that time sig, all the midi would get screwed up. It was driving me insane.

Any extra info on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
I want to take this and move it to the begining (bar 1) with a simple drag and drop... tell me it's possible ! Furthermore, see how the first marker isn't aligned. It WAS just before I deleted the other markers before that one. Is it possible to "embbed" it inside the region so that it won't be affected by the deletion of markers before it ?

drag and drop works with regions...

make sure your timebase-settings for items / tempo are correct (in project settings). beats (position only) should be selected when messing around with tempo-markers (according to your printscreen i guess it's set to "time")...
^^ I've checked that numerous times and it is set to Beats (position only) and still doesn't work.

I know for a fact that I've easily moved regions and areas of items in the past. Maybe it's a bug in the newer versions? It was seriously making me pull my hair out one night....
In my experience, it mostly has to do with wrong timebase settings. I don't remember how i used to do this, but a workaround has always been to create a region and simply drag it. When done properly it would move everything and keep all relative signatures.

Could you post a simplified project in a .zip and see if we can sort it out ?

As per the workflow of removing regions or markers, that's usually when you need to dig in the custom actions and sws extensions. There is pretty much everything you need in them, i would be surprsied there is no action to clean all markers within a time selection. I mean there is even custom actions to transform markers into regions and vice versa.
That tempo marker before the region is maybe what is causing your problem.

I found sometimes that putting a tempo marker at the beginning of a region I am about to move can solve the problem because it would get copied, while if you didn't, reaper would not create the missing tempo marker and it would mess up with midi. I can't say if right now that is the case, but have a look at that ?
That tempo marker before the region is maybe what is causing your problem.

to me it looks like all tempo-markers are offset to the items, caused by messing arround with tempomarkers and timebase set to time, not beats.

bryan, moving around regions doesent work in your case? probably your regions are locked (shift-l)?
bryan, moving around regions doesent work in your case? probably your regions are locked (shift-l)?

I could move the region but Reaper would create an extra tempo marker at the beginning of the space I wanted to put the region in. This extra marker was the same tempo as everything before the region, but it would screw up my midi and audio in the region I had moved.
Do a time selection in the blank space, right clic on it and select "Remove content of selection (moving later items)". I hope it helps.