Cheiron said:I agree with you. But the power-thrash bands have been around for a while. I know the US has a lot of great metal, but a lot of newer US bands are not becoming popular, because a number sound alike. Also, I don't think the US supports US based metal bands as much as they should (outside of local support). There are exceptions of course. Such as Mastodon and Lamb of God (eh.. hard to call them newer, but I think you know what I mean).
But my main point was that the US used to be at the leading edge of metal, causing some substantial changes in genres. I don't see that so much anymore. Cellador could become huge, but I don't think they'll ever be a major force of change in metal.
Yeah. I wasn't dissagreeing with your prior post, nor with this one. I was just expounding on the fact that it's a lack of support and promotion, and not a lack of artists.
I wouldn't neccessarily attribute the lack of popularity to bands sounding alike though. Many of the bands that become popular at any given time (era) sound alike regardless of the flavor of the day. If something is promoted enough it will become popular.