Also add into this mix NIGHTWISH, when "ONCE" was released it soared to the top of the european charts in a matter of days with huge advance sales, and stayed there, and stayed there. Then Roadrunner released it here in the states, where did it debut??? Who Knows, because the major music, and record companies here control the charts and the radio stations. "ONCE" released in the states in August 2004, first airplay in the town i live in EL PASO which by the way is a city of 1 million, was October 2005 one full year after the Roadarunner US release, and it was introduced as, "here is a song by a new band on the music scene, with there FIRST release". The station manager also told me there is no call or this kind of music anywhere in the states, so we don't play it, cause it wouldn't go over, Give me a break!! "Play it and they will come" I once did a quest spot on this same radio station where they let a novise come in and for two hours play the music they like, it was from 10PM to 12 PM on a suday night, well my set list was like a who's who of PROG/POWER NIGHTWISH, EDGUY, SONATA ARCTICA, ROYAL HUNT, ROB ROCK, LOST HORIZON, KAMELOT, SYMPHONY X, BALANCE OF POWER, and many many more, well the response was over 300 phone calls durning and well after the show ended, asking "WHO WAS THAT SONG BY, IT BLEW ME AWAY, WHY HASN"T IT BEEN PLAYED BEFORE" the station manager's response, IT WAS JUST A FLUKE. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!! Our problem here in the US is not the fans, its the music industry( the major labels) that is the problem, they would rather promote Britney Spears, and the likes instead of talent. Luckily there are the labels that do promote the Prog/power genre like NIGHTMARE, SENSORY, LASER"S EDGE. and others. ONE DAY GUYS AND GALS people will notice and will say where has this great music been.