Wow, I just read this ENTIRE thread and realize I've been missing out on so much fun.

I didn't think this thread worthy of my time, but now realize I'm being an elitist snob, so I'm mending my ways and jumping into the fray!
Harvester said:
What I love the most is that there are only a handful of tickets left and I'm still deemed a failure this year. Any other festival here would kill to have this type of failure.
Oh well...
Which makes Gigantour a MONUMENTAL failure! I've never seen the Art Center in Jersey so empty.
Not only when it comes to understanding good music. LOL
The Milton-dude is a "football" freak. He was probably referring to the U.S. dismal performance in the World Cup. Everyone KNOWS Brazil really should have won.
All Glenn has to do is simply type the words "SOLD OUT" on the main page. This will bring out hundreds of cockroaches who immediately cry foul because they didn't get a chance to buy a ticket. There will be the requisite few days of whining and complaining about how they couldn't buy a ticket because they needed the money to pay for their grandmother's hip replacement or somesuch. After a week or so of bitching about how unfair Glenn is on the forum, he will "surprise" everyone with the announcement that there are 30 tickets that have just been made available and that this will be your LAST CHANCE to get them when they go on sale the next week. PPVII will then sell out in .000023 seconds.

I was actually thinking the same thing, but you expressed it so much better. I think it probably would have worked, if this thread didn't exist.
In my opinion, it's your avatar. You did much better with the cowbell avatar. All these constant avatar changes are damaging your business. People think you are unstable. Bring back the cowbell!
You know, he may have a point.
Ditto! I go for the bands and the reunion of friends.
Absolutley! Can't wait to see you again, Cindy!
Though this is not my favorite ProgPower line-up yet, I'm still very excited about most the bands, either the ones I already love (Evergrey, Epica, Mercenary and Pyramaze) or the ones I'm anxious to learn more about (Thunderstone, Vision Divine, Wastefall) and I think Jorn is going to put on an amazing performance. This is once again, going to be a kickass show and an unbelievable overall experience!
And now can we turn this into yet another begging thread for next year? Surely we don't have enough of those! (NIGHTWISH, TAROT, AMORPHIS, SONATA ARCTICA!!!)