Recabinet Complete 2.0 - Fall Sale 80% Off!!!

Just received an email with a 2.02 update, downloaded the files.

I'm a bit confused. Should I replace the old files completely with the new ones? The new files are considerably smaller in size. The email says they're 30% smaller but I just want to make sure, since there was no documentation included concerning updating.
Yeah, I just checked how many files are included in the folders and the amounts match. So I'll just remove the old ones and replace them with the new ones.
I'm trying all the mic positions for the 4 modern cabinets and mics 57 and 121. Is it normal that the 57 is WAY louder than the 121? For testing I am rendering the same riff for each position (only 1 mic, I just want to hear how they sound by themselves before I combine 2) and when I switched to 121 I had to raise about 3dB on the guitars' track to match the 57's volume

edit: same thing happens with Marshall: 121 edge from positions 0 to 12. Volume is kind of uneven, the alst 3 are louder. Is this normal?
As with all previous Recabinet updates, the 2.02 update is a complete replacement. Sorry for any confusion, perhaps that should be stated more explicitly. We don't issue "patches" because that would really be a pain for people to deal with. Version notes are here.

Dexter - what plugin are you using to load the IRs? That's an awfully strange issue, all of the Recabinet IRs are normalized to -0.1db, and should have the same apparent loudness as one another. :goggly:
We don't issue "patches" because that would really be a pain for people to deal with.

Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be very cool if I had to manually add a few IRs here and there. Most people probably just figure out themselves, I just wanted to make sure so I won't do any damage as I usually end up doing :)