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»»But if you wanna play shred music, they are darn good picks. I'm in a jazz band and I only use Jazz III. It must depends on the kind of finger you have, but for me, little and thick (lol, pun intended) picks are the best. They give you a great feeling of what a string feel when you hit it. You hear the sound, but you also feel it.

Physically, I must admit I don't know how it really goes, but suppose Jazz III behave like rigid bodies, we could say that most of the momentum is re-transfered the the hand (some is lost in the form of heat), so you ''you feel what you gave'', in a sense.
I literally can't use them anymore :lol: Used them for like 4 years, but then i started using other picks and now i cant go back :lol: Prefer ESP and ultex sharp now (:

Just can't get that nice "crunch" with the Jazz III's
I've gone through about 2 bags of Jazz III (about 48 pics), and I have 2 bags left.

I only seem to find about 2 of them when looking through my room.

did a PROPER clean of my room before christmas, i found like 30 picks in the strangest fucking places(two were behind the skirtboard of my wall, i dont even know..)